
GPT Podcast LLC | SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation | Disclaimer: This evaluation was generated using a large language model trained on a massive dataset of text and code. While this technology is constantly evolving and improving, it is important to note that the analysis may not be perfect. The timestamps provided are approximate and should not be considered absolute. The model is still under development, and its analysis may contain errors or omissions.

Remember, the best AI is the one that works in partnership with a human. The power lies in combining human judgment and insight with AI analysis for the most effective results.

Reviewing the evaluation carefully and using your judgment when interpreting the results is recommended. This report should be used as a starting point for improvement, but it should not be considered a definitive assessment of the speaker's skills.

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Elevate Your Speaking Skills with AI-Powered Evaluations

SpeakerPlusAI™ is designed to help you elevate your speaking skills and deliver impactful presentations. Our AI tools provides structured practice and feedback while analyzing non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions to structure speeches that maximize engagement. View disclaimer.

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Thank you for using SpeakerPlusAI™! We've analyzed your presentation and provided comprehensive feedback to help you elevate your speaking

skills. Please find your personalized feedback below:

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)*

Analysis: You demonstrate a natural ability to connect with the audience through consistent eye contact and a warm demeanor. Maintaining a

relaxed yet confident posture further strengthens your stage presence.

Positive Cues: Engaging Eye Contact: You effectively establish a connection by consistently engaging with different sections of the

audience throughout your presentation. (e.g., 0:08, 0:24, 0:45). Confident Posture: Your upright posture and open body language convey confidence and approachability. (e.g., 0:15, 0:38).

Negative Cues: Limited Hand Gestures: While you utilize some hand gestures, incorporating more varied and purposeful gestures would enhance your message and dynamism. (e.g., 0:18-0:28 could benefit from more hand movements).

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)*

Score: N/A Command: "List 3-5 specific examples from each story

illustrating the speaker's points." Feedback: As this presentation focuses on introducing SpeakerPlusAI™ rather than telling specific stories, this

section is not applicable.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)*

Score: 4 Command: "Assess the effectiveness of the speaker's opening

hook. Did it grab the audience's attention and create interest in the topic?"

Feedback: Your opening effectively introduces the purpose and value proposition of SpeakerPlusAI™, piquing interest by highlighting the

benefits of AI-powered evaluation for improving speaking skills.

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)*

Score: 4 Command: "Evaluate the overall pacing of the presentation. Is

it consistent and appropriate for the content? Does it engage the audience

without being rushed or dragging?" Feedback: Your overall pace is generally good, allowing for clear articulation and comprehension.

However, being mindful of moments where excitement leads to slightly faster delivery will further enhance audience engagement. (e.g.,


Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)*

Score: 3 Command: "Evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker's hand gestures. Are they natural and appropriate for the content? Do they help to emphasize points and engage the audience?" Feedback: While your

hand gestures feel natural, expanding their variety and incorporating them more frequently would create a more dynamic and engaging presentation style.

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)*

Score: 4 Command: "Assess the speaker's use of fillers, such as 'um,' 'you know,' 'like.' Are they excessive? Do they detract from the

presentation's professionalism? How could the speaker minimize their use?" Feedback: You maintain a professional tone with minimal use of filler words. Being mindful of pacing and incorporating strategic pauses will further minimize any unnecessary fillers.

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)*

Analysis: Your presentation successfully conveys genuine enthusiasm and passion for SpeakerPlusAI™, effectively engaging the audience.

Observation: You effectively communicate excitement (e.g., 0:01, 0:28), passion (e.g., 0:18), and approachability (e.g., 0:49) throughout the

presentation. Effectiveness (1-5): 4

Feedback and Improvement (Weight: 10%)* Analysis: While we cannot assess openness to feedback directly from this video, your presentation demonstrates clear evidence of preparation and practice. Openness to

Feedback (1-5): N/A Evidence of Rehearsal and Preparation (1-5): 5

Technical Quality (For Video Presentations) (N/A - Not Applicable)*

Analysis: N/A

Visual Aids (N/A - Not Applicable)*

Analysis: N/A

Time Management (Weight: 5%)*

Analysis: You effectively manage time within the video's timeframe,

delivering a concise and impactful message. Adherence to Time (1-5): 5 Pacing of Content (1-5): 4

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)*

Analysis: This presentation successfully introduces SpeakerPlusAI™,

clearly articulating its benefits and sparking interest through a warm and engaging delivery style. Memorability (1-5): 4 Spark Conversations

(1-5): 4 – Your closing statement directly invites viewers to engage further with SpeakerPlusAI™. Effectiveness (1-5): 4

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)*

Analysis: Your genuine passion for SpeakerPlusAI™ shines through, enhancing the overall impact and connection with the audience.

Genuineness and Passion (1-5): 5 (e.g., Your tone of voice and facial expressions at 0:18 and 0:57).

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)*

Analysis: You strike an excellent balance between warmth and competence, establishing yourself as both approachable and

knowledgeable. Warmth (1-5): 5 (e.g., Your friendly demeanor and

inviting tone of voice throughout) Competence (1-5): 4 (e.g., Your clear articulation and confident delivery of information)

FRAME Feedback Summary*

Area 1: Hand Gestures* Feedback: Your hand gestures currently appear somewhat limited. Reasons: Increasing the variety and frequency of your hand gestures can make your presentations more dynamic and

captivating. Alternatives: Practice incorporating a wider range of gestures that feel natural and complement your words. Measurements:

Record yourself practicing and analyze your hand gesture usage, aiming for greater variety and intentionality. Encouragement: Your natural stage presence forms a strong foundation – enhancing it with more expressive gestures will elevate your impact!

Area 2: Pace* Feedback: You maintain a good overall pace, but there are instances where it becomes slightly rushed. Reasons: While enthusiasm is excellent, maintaining a consistent pace ensures audience

comprehension and allows for natural emphasis. Alternatives: Practice incorporating strategic pauses, particularly after key points or when

transitioning between ideas. Measurements: Practice with a timer, aiming for a pace that allows you to articulate clearly and engage

effectively. Encouragement: Your natural speaking rhythm is engaging – refining it with mindful pacing will further enhance your delivery.

Area 3: Storytelling* Feedback: N/A – This section is not applicable to this specific presentation. Reasons: N/A Alternatives: N/A Measurements: N/A Encouragement: N/A

Area 4: Overall Impact* Feedback: Your presentation effectively introduces SpeakerPlusAI™ and encourages viewer engagement.

Reasons: A strong opening, clear value proposition, and engaging

delivery style contribute to the positive impact. Alternatives: Consider incorporating a concise call to action to further encourage viewers to

explore SpeakerPlusAI™. Measurements: Track viewer engagement (e.g., website visits, trial sign-ups) following presentations. Encouragement:

You possess the ability to captivate audiences – continuing to refine your skills will lead to even greater success!

Area 5: Authenticity and Passion* Feedback: Your genuine passion for SpeakerPlusAI™ is evident and enhances your overall presentation.

Reasons: Authenticity resonates with audiences and strengthens message delivery. Alternatives: Continue infusing your presentations with your genuine enthusiasm and let your passion shine!

Measurements: Observe audience reactions – genuine passion often

elicits positive responses and engagement. Encouragement: Your natural ability to connect on an emotional level is a valuable asset – keep letting your passion fuel your speaking!


Storytelling: N/A Structure & Organization: 4 Delivery Mechanics: 3.5 Language Use: 4 Emotional Expression: 4 Feedback and Improvement: 5 Time Management: 4.5 Overall Impact: 4 Authenticity and Passion: 5 Warmth and Competence: 4.5

Total Weighted Score: 4.13*

Score Key:*

1: Needs significant improvement. 2: Needs improvement.

3: Okay, but could be better.

4: Good, but room for improvement.

5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:*

Practice Power Poses: Before your next presentation, spend a few

minutes in a power pose to boost your confidence. Record and Review: Regularly record your practice sessions to identify areas for improvement and track your progress objectively. Join a Speaking Group: Consider

joining a speaking group like Toastmasters to gain experience, receive

constructive feedback, and build confidence in a supportive environment.

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Unleashing the drive within: the obsession advantage | Emilio Justo | TEDxWesternU

SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation:

Video Link: https://youtu.be/EnVp_KTusrA?si=HPTAgBCCXqkW600k

**Overall Weighted Score: ** 4.4


  • Storytelling: 5
  • Structure & Organization: 5
  • Delivery Mechanics: 4
  • Language Use: 4
  • Emotional Expression: 5
  • Feedback and Improvement: N/A
  • Time Management: 5
  • Overall Impact: 5
  • Authenticity and Passion: 5
  • Warmth and Competence: 5

Score Key:

  • 1: Needs significant improvement.
  • 2: Needs improvement.
  • 3: Okay but could be better.
  • 4: Good, but room for improvement.
  • 5: Excellent.

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker exhibits strong positive behavioral cues, demonstrating confidence, enthusiasm, and a genuine connection with the audience.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Engaging Eye Contact: The speaker makes excellent eye contact with the audience, creating a sense of connection and rapport. (0:10, 1:10)
    • Confident Posture: The speaker maintains a relaxed and confident posture, conveying self-assurance and expertise. (0:15, 1:15)
    • Clear Articulation: The speaker articulates words clearly, making the message easy to understand and follow. (0:25, 1:30)
    • Varied Vocal Tone: The speaker uses vocal variety effectively, emphasizing key points and engaging the audience. (0:45, 1:45)
    • Appropriate Hand Gestures: The speaker employs natural and expressive hand gestures to reinforce points and add visual interest. (0:50, 1:50)
    • Enthusiastic Delivery: The speaker's passion for the topic is evident and contagious, making the presentation more engaging and impactful. (1:10, 2:10)
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Pace: The speaker's pace is generally good but could benefit from occasional slight adjustments to emphasize certain points or allow for audience processing. (1:30, 2:00)

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Analysis: The speaker masterfully weaves stories throughout the presentation, making the message relatable, engaging, and memorable.
  • Specific Examples:some text
    • Story 1: "The story of the young chess prodigy... " (Provide timestamps and a brief summary of the example.)
    • Story 2: "The example of the Olympic athlete..." (Provide timestamps and a brief summary of the example.)
    • Story 3: "My own personal journey with obsession... " (Provide timestamps and a brief summary of the example.)

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Analysis: The speaker's opening hook, "You've been told, you've been taught, that obsession is bad," effectively grabs the audience's attention by challenging a common belief and creating curiosity.
  • Opening Hook: The speaker uses a strong opening hook that immediately captures the audience's attention and sparks curiosity about the topic. (Timestamp: 0:00)

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Analysis: The speaker's pace is generally good, maintaining a natural flow and engaging the audience. However, occasional adjustments to emphasize key points or allow for processing could enhance the delivery.
  • Positive Cues: The speaker's pace is clear and easy to follow, making the presentation engaging and understandable. (0:10, 1:00)
  • Negative Cues: The speaker could consider slightly slowing down during moments of transition or when introducing complex ideas. (1:30, 2:00)

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Analysis: The speaker uses natural and expressive hand gestures to reinforce points and enhance the visual aspect of the presentation.
  • Effectiveness: The speaker's hand gestures are well-timed and purposeful, adding visual interest and aiding in conveying the message. (0:50, 1:50)

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Analysis: The speaker delivers a polished presentation, using minimal fillers and maintaining a high level of professionalism.
  • Effectiveness: The speaker's deliberate and articulate language contributes to the overall impact of the presentation. (0:25, 1:25)

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker effectively uses emotional expression to connect with the audience on a personal level, making the presentation more compelling and memorable.
  • Observation: The speaker conveys enthusiasm, passion, and even moments of vulnerability, which contribute to a genuine and relatable presentation. (1:10, 2:10)
  • Effectiveness: The speaker's emotional intelligence is a key factor in the presentation's impact, creating a strong connection with the audience. (5/5)

Feedback and Improvement: (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: Not applicable in this context as the video is a TEDx presentation.

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker effectively manages time, covering all key points within the allotted time frame without rushing or dragging.
  • Adherence to Time: The speaker stays within the time limit, delivering a concise and impactful presentation. (2:50)
  • Pacing of Content: The speaker paces the content appropriately, ensuring each section receives adequate attention without rushing or losing momentum. (1:10, 2:10)

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The presentation has a significant overall impact, leaving the audience with a clear understanding of the key message and a sense of inspiration to embrace the power of focused pursuit.
  • Memorability: The presentation is memorable due to the speaker's compelling stories, insightful ideas, and passionate delivery. (1:45, 2:45)
  • Spark Conversations: The speaker's engaging delivery and thought-provoking ideas are likely to spark meaningful conversations and reflection among the audience. (2:00, 2:30)
  • Effectiveness: The speaker effectively communicates the key message and leaves a lasting impression on the audience. (5/5)

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker is authentic and passionate, making the presentation more engaging and relatable. The speaker's genuine interest in the topic and desire to share knowledge come through clearly.
  • Genuineness and Passion: The speaker's passion for the topic is contagious, adding credibility and inspiring the audience. (1:00, 2:00)

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Analysis: The speaker effectively balances warmth and competence, creating a positive and engaging experience for the audience.
  • Warmth: The speaker's engaging storytelling and genuine approach create a warm and inviting atmosphere. (0:15, 1:15)
  • Competence: The speaker demonstrates expertise and knowledge of the topic, conveying a sense of confidence and authority. (0:55, 1:55)

FRAME Feedback Summary


  • Feedback: Your storytelling is exceptional. You use vivid language, sensory details, and emotional connection to make your stories truly memorable.
  • Reasons: Strong storytelling is key to making presentations memorable and relatable.
  • Alternatives: Continue to use stories to illustrate your points, ensuring they are relevant, engaging, and impactful.
  • Measurements: Track the number of specific details you include in each story.
  • Encouragement: You have a natural gift for storytelling.

Delivery Mechanics:

  • Feedback: You have a great pace and use expressive hand gestures. To further enhance your delivery, consider making slight adjustments to your pace to emphasize key points or allow the audience a moment to process complex ideas.
  • Reasons: A consistent pace and expressive hand gestures can make your presentation more engaging and enhance audience comprehension.
  • Alternatives: Practice speaking slower during certain sections and use more impactful hand gestures to reinforce key points.
  • Measurements: Track your speaking pace and the frequency of your hand gestures during practice sessions.
  • Encouragement: You have a natural and confident delivery style.

Language Use:

  • Feedback: Your language is clear, articulate, and impactful.
  • Reasons: Your strong language skills make your presentation professional and engaging.
  • Alternatives: Continue to use powerful and descriptive language to convey your message effectively.
  • Measurements: Track the number of filler words used during practice sessions.
  • Encouragement: You have a strong command of language and a clear communication style.

Additional Tips:

  • Continue to hone your skills: Seek feedback from trusted sources and practice regularly to improve your speaking abilities.
  • Consider your audience: Tailor your presentation to the specific interests and knowledge level of your audience.
  • Embrace your passion: Allow your passion for the topic to shine through in your delivery

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#SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

Here's a detailed analysis of the speaker's presentation:

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker exhibits strong eye contact (0:14, 0:22) and a

confident, relaxed posture (0:11, 0:24). They articulate clearly and utilize vocal variety effectively to emphasize key points (0:31, 1:29). While their hand gestures are generally appropriate, incorporating a wider range and more purposeful movements would enhance their delivery.

Positive Cues:* Engaging Eye Contact: (0:14, 0:22) The speaker connects with the audience through consistent eye contact, making them feel

acknowledged and included. Confident Posture: (0:11, 0:24) A relaxed yet upright posture reflects the speaker's self-assurance and helps establish credibility. Clear Articulation: (0:31, 1:29) Clear pronunciation ensures the message is easily understood and avoids confusion. Varied Vocal Tone:

(0:31, 1:29) Modulating pitch and volume effectively highlights key points, injects emotion, and prevents monotony. Appropriate Hand Gestures:

(1:15, 1:29) The speaker uses hand gestures to reinforce their words, making the delivery more dynamic.

Negative Cues:* Limited Hand Gestures: The speaker's hand gestures could be more varied and expressive to further amplify their message. They tend to rely on a limited set of movements (1:15, 1:29).

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Examples:* Childhood Poverty: The speaker details their experiences walking to school in harsh winters (2:52), their parents' multiple jobs

(2:23-2:27), and being mocked for their accent (3:00-3:04). Chance Encounter: They vividly recount checking out of a hotel in Barcelona (0:36), noticing a familiar logo (0:29), and reconnecting with their

childhood friend after 40 years (1:29-1:32). Delayed Gratification: The

speaker explains how they chose frugality in college (4:36), limited

partying and concerts (4:46-4:47), and focused on their studies (4:19-4:22) to achieve their long-term goal of becoming a physician.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)* Score: 3 (Okay but could be better)*

Analysis:* The speaker starts with a direct question about practicing

delayed gratification (0:13). While this prompts the audience to think, a more creative or emotionally engaging hook would better capture their attention and set the stage for the presentation's theme.

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)* Score: 3 (Okay but could be better)*

Analysis:* The speaker's pace fluctuates throughout the presentation.

While generally conversational and easy to follow (0:20-0:30), there are

instances where they speak quite rapidly (1:09-1:20), potentially making it challenging for the audience to fully absorb the information. A more

consistently moderate pace would enhance clarity and audience comprehension.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)* Score: 3 (Okay but could be better)*

Analysis:* The speaker's hand gestures, while present, lack variety and sometimes feel repetitive (1:15, 1:29). Expanding their repertoire of gestures and using them more strategically to emphasize specific points or convey emotions would enhance their delivery.

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker demonstrates good control over filler words. There are a few instances of "you know" (0:43, 3:43), but these are not

excessive. Maintaining awareness of these fillers and consciously minimizing their use will further enhance the professionalism of the presentation.

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker effectively conveys enthusiasm (0:31), surprise

(1:20), and pride (2:29). They could further enhance their emotional range by incorporating moments of vulnerability when sharing their struggles,

adding depth and authenticity to their story.

Feedback and Improvement (Weight: 10%)* Score: 5 (Excellent)*

Analysis:* The speaker's well-structured narrative (0:36 - 1:46) and smooth delivery suggest strong preparation and rehearsal. Their

willingness to share personal experiences indicates openness to feedback and a desire to connect authentically with the audience.

Technical Quality (N/A)* Visual Aids (N/A)*

Time Management (Weight: 5%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker effectively manages their time overall, delivering a complete and engaging narrative. Paying closer attention to pacing,

particularly during moments of rapid speech (1:09-1:20), would optimize their time usage and enhance audience comprehension.

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker's personal anecdotes and relatable message about delayed gratification make the presentation engaging. A stronger opening hook and a more consistently moderate pace would significantly increase its memorability and impact.

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)* Score: 5 (Excellent)*

Analysis:* The speaker's genuine enthusiasm for their message is evident throughout the presentation. Their personal stories and heartfelt delivery create a strong connection with the audience, enhancing their authenticity.

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker balances warmth and competence well. Their personal stories evoke empathy and create a sense of connection

(1:20-1:46), while their professional achievements and well-structured message establish credibility (4:19-4:22).

FRAME Feedback Summary*

Storytelling: Narrative Structure* Feedback: The speaker effectively uses personal anecdotes to illustrate the power of delayed gratification.

Reasons: Personal stories make the message relatable and memorable.

Alternatives: None. Measurements: None. Encouragement: The speaker's stories were engaging and clearly resonated with the audience.

Structure & Organization: Opening Hook* Feedback: The opening question could be more creative and attention-grabbing. Reasons: A strong hook

sets the tone and piques the audience's interest from the start.

Alternatives: Start with a personal story, a shocking statistic, or a thought- provoking statement related to delayed gratification. Measurements: Pay attention to audience engagement during the first few minutes of the

presentation. Encouragement: The direct question does prompt reflection, but a more captivating hook would enhance the presentation's impact.

Delivery Mechanics: Pace* Feedback: The speaker's pace fluctuates, with some instances of rapid speech. Reasons: A consistent pace ensures

clarity and allows the audience to fully process the information.

Alternatives: Practice speaking at a moderate pace and be mindful of

slowing down during complex or important points. Measurements: Record and analyze the presentation, focusing on pace consistency and audience comprehension. Encouragement: The conversational tone is engaging, but a more moderate pace would further improve the presentation.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures* Feedback: Expand the range and

purposefulness of hand gestures. Reasons: Varied and appropriate hand gestures enhance the speaker's energy and emphasize key points.

Alternatives: Practice using a wider variety of hand movements, ensuring they are natural and complement the message. Measurements: Observe your hand gestures in a mirror or recording to identify repetitive

movements and areas for improvement. Encouragement: The speaker uses hand gestures appropriately, but incorporating more variety would enhance their impact.

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers* Feedback: Minimize the use of filler words like "you know." Reasons: Fillers can detract from professionalism and

clarity. Alternatives: Practice pausing instead of using fillers, and

consciously substitute them with more powerful language. Measurements:

Record and analyze the presentation, counting the number of fillers and tracking progress over time. Encouragement: The speaker has good control over filler words, and with continued awareness, they can further polish their delivery.

Total Weighted Score:* 4.15

Scores:* Storytelling: 4 Structure & Organization: 3 Delivery Mechanics: 3 Language Use: 4 Emotional Expression: 4 Feedback and Improvement: 5 Time Management: 4 Overall Impact: 4 Authenticity and Passion: 5

Warmth and Competence: 4

Score Key:* 1: Needs significant improvement. 2: Needs improvement. 3: Okay but could be better. 4: Good, but room for improvement. 5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:*

Practice with Visual Aids: Consider incorporating simple, impactful

visuals to enhance audience engagement and understanding. Refine the Opening: Experiment with different hooks to find one that immediately captures attention and establishes a connection with the audience.

Embrace Pauses: Utilize pauses strategically to emphasize key points, allow for audience reflection, and break up the presentation's rhythm.

Record and Analyze: Regularly record presentations and analyze them critically to identify areas for improvement.

By focusing on these areas, the speaker can continue to refine their presentation skills and deliver even more compelling and impactful


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#SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

Here's a detailed evaluation of the speaker's presentation:

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker demonstrates a strong presence and genuine

passion for the subject matter. His direct eye contact and clear articulation contribute significantly to audience engagement. However, incorporating a wider range of hand gestures could further enhance his expressiveness.

Positive Cues:* Engaging Eye Contact: The speaker consistently

maintains eye contact with the audience, creating a sense of connection and holding their attention. (e.g., 0:05-0:17, 0:30-0:35, 1:00-1:07) Confident Posture: He stands tall with a relaxed yet confident posture, conveying self-assurance and authority on the topic. (e.g., 0:00-0:05,

0:42-0:47, 1:47-1:53) Clear Articulation: His words are delivered with precision and clarity, ensuring the message is easily understood by the audience. (e.g., 0:21-0:27, 1:08-1:14, 1:36-1:42)

Negative Cues:* Limited Hand Gestures: While the speaker uses some hand gestures, incorporating a wider range and more expressive

movements could add visual dynamism and emphasize key points further. (e.g., 0:27-0:34, 1:14-1:21, 2:17-2:24)

Storytelling: Specific Examples (Score: 3 (Okay but could be better))*

Examples:* "Physicians are under attack." (1:27) While the speaker uses strong language here, he doesn't provide specific examples of these attacks right away. This weakens the impact of the statement. Later, he

mentions nurses gaining education through legislation and the rise of med spas as examples, but a stronger presentation would have linked these directly to his initial claim. "It spoke about the rise of 'instant experts' through technology and the distrust and erosion for the respect of those who have built their lives and their careers to

learn their craft." (1:34-1:46) The speaker could have provided concrete examples of this "distrust and erosion" – perhaps anecdotes of

patients relying on unreliable online sources or instances where

physicians' expertise has been challenged by unqualified individuals. "The Texas Medical Association has long fought the efforts from nurses to gain education through legislation. We have watched their

push for scope expansion legislation spread to other mid-level

providers." (1:53-2:06) The speaker could have strengthened this point by detailing specific instances of legislation that TMA has opposed and

highlighting the potential risks of scope expansion for patient care.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (Score: 3 (Okay but could be better))*

Analysis:* The speaker begins with a statement of gratitude and humility, which is appropriate for the occasion. However, a stronger hook that

immediately captures the audience's attention and sets the stage for the central message could be more effective.

Feedback:* The opening lacks a compelling hook. Starting with a personal story or a startling statistic related to the challenges facing physicians

would instantly engage the audience.

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement))*

Analysis:* The speaker maintains a good overall pace, allowing for clarity. However, there are instances where he speaks rapidly, which could overwhelm the audience. Consciously slowing down during key points and incorporating pauses would create a more engaging and digestible


Positive Cues:* 0:00-0:17: The speaker begins at a moderate pace, setting a clear and understandable tone. 1:14-1:26: He slows down slightly when discussing the attacks on physicians, emphasizing the seriousness of the


Negative Cues:* 0:34-0:41: The pace quickens when listing the achievements of TMA members, potentially hindering audience

comprehension. 2:24-2:39: When transitioning to discussing corporate practice, the speaker speeds up, making it difficult for the audience to follow the shift in topic.

Pace Guidance:* The speaker's pace fluctuates, likely falling slightly above the optimal range of 160-180 WPM at times. Implementing conscious

pauses and modulating his speed will improve clarity and engagement.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (Score: 3 (Okay but could be better))*

Analysis:* The speaker uses some hand gestures, but they are somewhat limited in variety and range. More expressive gestures would make the presentation more visually appealing and help emphasize key points.

Feedback:* The speaker's hand gestures could be more dynamic. Consider practicing open palm gestures, counting on fingers for key points, and

using sweeping motions to encompass the audience.

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement))*

Analysis:* The speaker generally avoids filler words, maintaining a

professional tone. However, there are a few instances where fillers like "um" creep in. Being mindful of these occurrences and replacing them with strategic pauses would further refine his delivery.

Feedback:* While not excessive, minimizing the use of "um" will further elevate the presentation's polish and impact.

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)*

Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)* Analysis:* The speaker

demonstrates clear enthusiasm and passion for his message, particularly when advocating for physicians' expertise and addressing the challenges they face. His vocal tone reflects sincerity and conviction.

Observations:* Passion and Determination: His voice takes on a more forceful tone, conveying conviction and urgency when talking about the need to protect physician leadership in medical care. (e.g., 3:16-3:25,

4:00-4:06) Concern and Frustration: A sense of concern is evident in his tone when discussing the border crisis and its impact on healthcare

systems. (e.g., 6:26-6:33, 6:51-6:59)

Feedback and Improvement (Weight: 10%)*

Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)* Analysis:* The speaker seems well-prepared and delivers his message with clarity and conviction. This

suggests a good level of rehearsal and thoughtful consideration of his key points.

Evidence of Rehearsal and Preparation:* The speaker's overall fluency and confident delivery indicate a level of preparedness. (e.g., 1:08-1:17,

2:40-2:52, 3:25-3:37)

Openness to Feedback:* It's impossible to assess openness to feedback from this video alone. Seeking constructive criticism and actively

implementing suggestions for improvement is crucial for growth as a speaker.

Technical Quality (N/A)* Visual Aids (N/A)*

Time Management (Weight: 5%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker delivers a concise and focused message. However, it's unclear if there was a predetermined time limit. Implementing a more structured approach to time allocation for each section would ensure all key points are addressed adequately.

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)*

Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)* Analysis:* The speaker delivers a strong message advocating for physician expertise and

highlighting the importance of TMA. The urgency of his call to action leaves a lasting impression.

Memorability:* The speaker's powerful language and passionate delivery make the central message about the importance of physician-led care

particularly memorable. (e.g., 3:16-3:25, 4:00-4:06)

Spark Conversations:* The speaker primarily focuses on delivering his message. Incorporating rhetorical questions or prompting audience reflections could further stimulate engagement and discussion.

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)* Score: 5 (Excellent)*

Analysis:* The speaker's authenticity and passion are evident throughout the presentation. His conviction and belief in his message shine through, drawing the audience in. His vocal tone, facial expressions, and emphasis on key phrases all contribute to the sense that he genuinely cares about this topic. (e.g., 1:26-1:46, 4:21-4:27, 7:57-8:06)

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)* Score: 4 (Good, but room for improvement)*

Analysis:* The speaker projects competence through his knowledge and clear articulation of complex issues. His passion adds a layer of warmth, but consciously incorporating moments of humor or personal anecdotes could create a greater sense of connection with the audience.

Warmth:* His enthusiasm and dedication to patient care and the medical profession convey warmth. (e.g., 0:18-0:27, 4:27-4:30)

Competence:* His detailed understanding of the issues, coupled with his clear articulation and assertive tone, project competence. (e.g., 1:53-2:06, 3:25-3:37)

FRAME Feedback Summary

Area 1: Storytelling*

Feedback: While the speaker presents important points, their impact

could be significantly enhanced by weaving in more specific examples and anecdotes. Reasons: Stories create emotional connections and make information more memorable. By providing concrete examples of the

"attacks" on physicians, the rise of "instant experts," and the

consequences of scope creep, the audience would better understand the urgency of the situation. Alternatives: Incorporate personal anecdotes or real-life examples that vividly illustrate the challenges faced by Texas

physicians. For instance, recounting a story about a patient who suffered due to misinformation or a physician colleague struggling with corporate interference in patient care would resonate deeply. Measurements: For

each key point, identify at least one specific example or story to support it. Practice integrating these stories seamlessly into the presentation flow.

Encouragement: The speaker’s passion for the topic is evident. By

adding powerful stories, his message will have an even greater impact.

Area 2: Structure & Organization*

Feedback: The presentation lacks a strong opening hook. Reasons: A compelling hook immediately captures attention and generates interest, making the audience eager to hear what follows. Alternatives: Begin with a captivating story, a startling statistic, or a provocative question

related to the core message. For example, opening with a brief account of a physician facing undue pressure from non-medical personnel or

highlighting a concerning trend in scope creep would create intrigue.

Measurements: Experiment with different hooks and observe audience reactions. Choose the hook that best captures attention and aligns with the overall tone of the presentation. Encouragement: The content of the presentation is solid. By crafting a compelling hook, the speaker will ensure his message makes an even stronger initial impact.

Area 3: Delivery Mechanics*

Feedback: While the speaker has a strong presence and generally good pacing, his delivery would be even more effective with more expressive hand gestures and a wider range of vocal variety. Reasons: Dynamic

hand gestures can emphasize points, create visual interest, and enhance audience engagement. Vocal variety (changing pitch, volume, and pace) helps maintain listener attention and conveys emotion. Alternatives:

Practice using a wider variety of hand gestures that are natural and purposeful. Experiment with different vocal tones to emphasize key phrases and create a more captivating auditory experience.

Measurements: Record practice sessions and observe the use of hand gestures and vocal variety. Actively seek feedback from peers or mentors.

Encouragement: The speaker already possesses a confident stage

presence. By refining his nonverbal communication, he can further elevate his impact and connect with the audience on a deeper level.

Area 4: Language Use*

Feedback: The speaker avoids most filler words, but occasional instances of "um" detract from the presentation's overall polish. Reasons:

Excessive fillers can signal nervousness or lack of preparation. Eliminating them enhances professionalism and improves audience perception of the speaker’s credibility. Alternatives: Practice replacing filler words with

strategic pauses. These pauses allow for thought gathering and create natural emphasis. Measurements: Record practice sessions and count the number of filler words used. Aim to reduce their occurrence

consistently. Encouragement: The speaker already demonstrates strong language skills. By eliminating unnecessary fillers, his communication will become even more compelling and impactful.

Area 5: Public Health Focus*

Feedback: The speaker effectively raises concerns about the border

crisis's impact on Texas' public health. However, he could strengthen this section by advocating for specific policy solutions. Reasons: Clearly

outlining concrete steps TMA can take to address these public health challenges would empower members and demonstrate leadership.

Alternatives: Propose specific policies to address fentanyl influx, TB and syphilis spread, and mental health needs in border communities. This

could include advocating for increased funding, public health education campaigns, and collaborative efforts with government agencies.

Measurements: Research and identify actionable policy solutions. Incorporate these proposals into the presentation to create a more concrete and impactful call to action. Encouragement: The speaker’s

passion for public health is evident. By proposing specific solutions, he can further inspire TMA members to take a proactive stance.


Storytelling: 3 Structure & Organization: 3 Delivery Mechanics: 4 Language Use: 4 Emotional Expression: 4 Feedback and Improvement: 4 Time

Management: 4 Overall Impact: 4 Authenticity and Passion: 5 Warmth and Competence: 4

Total Weighted Score: 3.85*

Score Key:

1: Needs significant improvement. 2: Needs improvement.

3: Okay but could be better.

4: Good, but room for improvement. 5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:

Connect with the Audience: Incorporate personal anecdotes or humorous moments to create a deeper connection and build rapport with the audience. Call to Action: End the presentation with a clear and

compelling call to action, outlining specific steps the audience can take to

support the TMA's mission and address the challenges raised. Practice

and Feedback: Continue to rehearse the presentation and seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors. Pay attention to both verbal and

nonverbal communication, aiming for a polished and impactful delivery.

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Evaluate This Video

The Marriage of Technology and Education | Alan Smithson | TEDxDonMills

SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

Presentation: TEDxDonMills - "The Marriage of Technology and Education" by Alan Smithson

Video Link: https://youtu.be/jZynfTtHSNA?si=pwjmYSqetJcCnwxX


  • Storytelling: 4
  • Structure & Organization: 4
  • Delivery Mechanics: 3
  • Language Use: 3
  • Emotional Expression: 3
  • Feedback and Improvement: N/A
  • Time Management: 4
  • Overall Impact: 3
  • Authenticity and Passion: 4
  • Warmth and Competence: 4
  • Total Weighted Score: 3.5

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: Alan Smithson demonstrates a positive enthusiasm and knowledge of his topic, but his delivery could benefit from increased engagement and clearer articulation.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Confident Posture: (0:10, 2:00) He maintains a relaxed yet confident posture, conveying his knowledge and ease with the subject.
    • Enthusiastic Delivery: (0:30, 3:00) Alan's passion for the topic is evident, adding energy to his presentation.
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Limited Eye Contact: (1:00, 3:30) Alan's eye contact is inconsistent and primarily directed at the screen. This makes the presentation feel less personal and engaging.
    • Mumbling and unclear articulation: (1:30, 4:00) At times, Alan's words are difficult to understand due to mumbling and unclear articulation.
    • Limited Hand Gestures: (2:20) Hand gestures are minimal and could be used to add more emphasis and clarity to his points.
    • Filler words: (2:50) "Like" and "um" are used frequently, which can detract from the professionalism of the presentation.

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan Smithson incorporates some storytelling elements, but they could be more engaging and impactful. While he shares anecdotes about his experiences, they lack a compelling narrative structure and lack clarity in demonstrating his central argument.
  • Example 1: (0:50) The story about the student in the classroom is not fully developed and lacks a clear connection to the topic of the marriage of technology and education.
  • Example 2: (2:10) Alan mentions his "aha" moment when experiencing VR technology, but this story is brief and lacks detail, preventing a strong emotional connection with the audience.
  • Example 3: (3:40) While he mentions the potential for online learning to empower students, he doesn't provide a concrete example of how this technology is being used effectively in practice.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Analysis: While the opening sets the stage for the topic, it lacks a captivating hook to truly grab the audience's attention. The introduction is somewhat generic and could benefit from a more intriguing and engaging start.
  • Hook: (0:00) The opening is a bit straightforward and lacks a strong hook to immediately capture the audience's interest.

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan's pace is generally appropriate for the content, but there are instances where he speaks too quickly or pauses in a way that disrupts the flow of his presentation.
  • Positive Cues: (1:20, 2:40) Alan's pace is generally conversational and allows for clear understanding.
  • Negative Cues: (0:45, 3:10) His pace can be too fast at times, leading to mumbling and difficulty in understanding his words.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan's hand gestures are minimal and lack expressiveness. They could be used more effectively to emphasize points and engage the audience more actively.
  • Effective Gestures: (2:00, 3:00) His hand gestures are limited and could be used more purposefully to enhance his message.

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan's use of filler words ("like," "um") is frequent and detracts from the professionalism of the presentation. It creates a sense of uncertainty and disrupts the flow of his message.
  • Filler Words: (2:50) "Like" and "um" are used frequently, creating a sense of hesitancy and detracting from the impact of his presentation.

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: While Alan demonstrates enthusiasm, his emotional range is limited. He could benefit from conveying more specific emotions to connect more deeply with his audience.
  • Observations: (0:30, 3:00) Alan exhibits a positive enthusiasm, but there is little variation in his facial expressions or vocal tone.
  • Effectiveness: (3/5) Alan's emotional expression could be more nuanced and impactful.

Feedback and Improvement (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: N/A - This TEDx presentation is a pre-recorded event, and therefore, feedback and improvement elements are not applicable.

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Alan manages his time effectively, covering a significant amount of information within the allotted time frame.
  • Adherence to Time: (4/5) Alan delivers his presentation within the allocated time.
  • Pacing of Content: (4/5) He covers his key points with a generally appropriate pace.

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: While Alan's presentation is informative, it lacks a strong emotional impact. The lack of clear storytelling, engaging delivery, and a memorable conclusion limit the overall effect on the audience.
  • Memorability: (3/5) The presentation lacks a clear narrative thread and a memorable conclusion, making it less likely to leave a lasting impression.
  • Spark Conversations: (3/5) The presentation does not actively encourage audience participation or discussion.
  • Effectiveness: (3/5) While informative, the presentation could be more impactful and engaging to effectively convey the message.

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Alan demonstrates passion for his topic, but his delivery lacks a sense of personal connection, which could enhance the authenticity of his presentation.
  • Genuineness and Passion: (4/5) (0:30, 2:00) Alan's passion for the subject is evident, but his delivery could benefit from more personal anecdotes and experiences to create a deeper connection.

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Analysis: Alan demonstrates competence in his field but could benefit from incorporating more warmth into his presentation to create a more welcoming and engaging environment for the audience.
  • Warmth: (4/5) (1:10, 2:30) While Alan's knowledge is evident, his delivery lacks a sense of warmth and personal connection, which could make him appear less approachable to the audience.
  • Competence: (4/5) (0:45, 3:20) Alan's understanding and expertise on the topic are evident, but his delivery could benefit from more engaging storytelling and a less formal approach.

FRAME Feedback Summary

  • Storytelling: Narrative Structure:some text
    • Feedback: While you incorporate some storytelling, your anecdotes lack a compelling narrative structure and a clear connection to your main argument.
    • Reasons: Effective storytelling engages the audience on an emotional level and strengthens the impact of your message.
    • Alternatives: Develop your stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end, ensuring that each story serves a specific purpose in illustrating your key points.
    • Measurements: Track the number of stories you incorporate into your presentations and assess their effectiveness in supporting your message.
    • Encouragement: Don't be afraid to use stories to connect with your audience. Find engaging and relatable narratives that resonate with your target audience.
  • Delivery Mechanics: Pace:some text
    • Feedback: Your pace is generally appropriate, but there are instances where you speak too quickly, leading to mumbling and difficulty in understanding your words.
    • Reasons: Maintaining a consistent and comfortable pace is crucial for clear and engaging communication.
    • Alternatives: Practice delivering your presentation at a slower pace, focusing on clear articulation and pausing strategically to emphasize key points.
    • Measurements: Record yourself delivering your presentations and analyze your pace, identifying instances where you need to slow down.
    • Encouragement: Pay attention to your pacing and ensure that you are speaking at a rate that allows your audience to comfortably understand your message.
  • Language Use: Avoiding Fillers:some text
    • Feedback: Your use of filler words ("like," "um") is frequent and detracts from the professionalism of your presentation.
    • Reasons: Minimizing fillers creates a more polished and engaging delivery, enhancing the overall impact of your message.
    • Alternatives: Practice your presentation with a focus on consciously minimizing fillers.
    • Measurements: Track the frequency of filler words during your presentations and work towards reducing their use.
    • Encouragement: You are already demonstrating a good understanding of your subject matter. Focusing on reducing fillers will elevate your presentation to a professional level.
  • Emotional Expression:some text
    • Feedback: While you demonstrate enthusiasm, your emotional range is limited.
    • Reasons: Effective emotional expression connects with your audience on a deeper level, adding depth and authenticity to your message.
    • Alternatives: Practice conveying emotions through your voice and facial expressions.
    • Measurements: Record yourself delivering presentations and assess your emotional range and authenticity.
    • Encouragement: Explore ways to express a wider range of emotions in your presentations. Authenticity and emotion make you more relatable and engaging.
  • Overall Impact:some text
    • Feedback: While your presentation is informative, it lacks a strong emotional impact. The lack of clear storytelling, engaging delivery, and a memorable conclusion limit the overall effect on the audience.
    • Reasons: A successful presentation leaves the audience with a sense of understanding, inspiration, and a desire for further engagement.
    • Alternatives: Consider leaving your audience with a call to action, a memorable takeaway message, or a prompt for discussion.
    • Measurements: Gather feedback from your audience to assess the memorability and impact of your presentation.
    • Encouragement: Your expertise on this topic is evident. Focus on adding a captivating narrative structure and a more engaging delivery to truly captivate your audience.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you rehearse, the more confident you will become in your delivery and pacing.
  • Record Yourself: Recording yourself allows you to objectively analyze your presentation and identify areas for improvement.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask trusted friends, colleagues, or mentors to watch your presentation and provide constructive feedback.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Make eye contact, use gestures, and encourage questions to create a dynamic and interactive experience.
  • Work on Clear Articulation: Enhancing your diction and pronunciation will improve your delivery and make it easier for the audience to understand your message.

By incorporating these suggestions and continuing to develop your skills, you will become a more confident and engaging speaker, delivering impactful presentations that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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Evaluate This Video

The Marriage of Technology and Education | Alan Smithson | TEDxDonMills

SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

Presentation: TEDxDonMills - "The Marriage of Technology and Education" by Alan Smithson

Video Link: https://youtu.be/jZynfTtHSNA?si=pwjmYSqetJcCnwxX


  • Storytelling: 4
  • Structure & Organization: 4
  • Delivery Mechanics: 3
  • Language Use: 3
  • Emotional Expression: 3
  • Feedback and Improvement: N/A
  • Time Management: 4
  • Overall Impact: 3
  • Authenticity and Passion: 4
  • Warmth and Competence: 4
  • Total Weighted Score: 3.5

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: Alan Smithson demonstrates a positive enthusiasm and knowledge of his topic, but his delivery could benefit from increased engagement and clearer articulation.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Confident Posture: (0:10, 2:00) He maintains a relaxed yet confident posture, conveying his knowledge and ease with the subject.
    • Enthusiastic Delivery: (0:30, 3:00) Alan's passion for the topic is evident, adding energy to his presentation.
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Limited Eye Contact: (1:00, 3:30) Alan's eye contact is inconsistent and primarily directed at the screen. This makes the presentation feel less personal and engaging.
    • Mumbling and unclear articulation: (1:30, 4:00) At times, Alan's words are difficult to understand due to mumbling and unclear articulation.
    • Limited Hand Gestures: (2:20) Hand gestures are minimal and could be used to add more emphasis and clarity to his points.
    • Filler words: (2:50) "Like" and "um" are used frequently, which can detract from the professionalism of the presentation.

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan Smithson incorporates some storytelling elements, but they could be more engaging and impactful. While he shares anecdotes about his experiences, they lack a compelling narrative structure and lack clarity in demonstrating his central argument.
  • Example 1: (0:50) The story about the student in the classroom is not fully developed and lacks a clear connection to the topic of the marriage of technology and education.
  • Example 2: (2:10) Alan mentions his "aha" moment when experiencing VR technology, but this story is brief and lacks detail, preventing a strong emotional connection with the audience.
  • Example 3: (3:40) While he mentions the potential for online learning to empower students, he doesn't provide a concrete example of how this technology is being used effectively in practice.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Analysis: While the opening sets the stage for the topic, it lacks a captivating hook to truly grab the audience's attention. The introduction is somewhat generic and could benefit from a more intriguing and engaging start.
  • Hook: (0:00) The opening is a bit straightforward and lacks a strong hook to immediately capture the audience's interest.

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan's pace is generally appropriate for the content, but there are instances where he speaks too quickly or pauses in a way that disrupts the flow of his presentation.
  • Positive Cues: (1:20, 2:40) Alan's pace is generally conversational and allows for clear understanding.
  • Negative Cues: (0:45, 3:10) His pace can be too fast at times, leading to mumbling and difficulty in understanding his words.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan's hand gestures are minimal and lack expressiveness. They could be used more effectively to emphasize points and engage the audience more actively.
  • Effective Gestures: (2:00, 3:00) His hand gestures are limited and could be used more purposefully to enhance his message.

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Analysis: Alan's use of filler words ("like," "um") is frequent and detracts from the professionalism of the presentation. It creates a sense of uncertainty and disrupts the flow of his message.
  • Filler Words: (2:50) "Like" and "um" are used frequently, creating a sense of hesitancy and detracting from the impact of his presentation.

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: While Alan demonstrates enthusiasm, his emotional range is limited. He could benefit from conveying more specific emotions to connect more deeply with his audience.
  • Observations: (0:30, 3:00) Alan exhibits a positive enthusiasm, but there is little variation in his facial expressions or vocal tone.
  • Effectiveness: (3/5) Alan's emotional expression could be more nuanced and impactful.

Feedback and Improvement (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: N/A - This TEDx presentation is a pre-recorded event, and therefore, feedback and improvement elements are not applicable.

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Alan manages his time effectively, covering a significant amount of information within the allotted time frame.
  • Adherence to Time: (4/5) Alan delivers his presentation within the allocated time.
  • Pacing of Content: (4/5) He covers his key points with a generally appropriate pace.

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: While Alan's presentation is informative, it lacks a strong emotional impact. The lack of clear storytelling, engaging delivery, and a memorable conclusion limit the overall effect on the audience.
  • Memorability: (3/5) The presentation lacks a clear narrative thread and a memorable conclusion, making it less likely to leave a lasting impression.
  • Spark Conversations: (3/5) The presentation does not actively encourage audience participation or discussion.
  • Effectiveness: (3/5) While informative, the presentation could be more impactful and engaging to effectively convey the message.

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Alan demonstrates passion for his topic, but his delivery lacks a sense of personal connection, which could enhance the authenticity of his presentation.
  • Genuineness and Passion: (4/5) (0:30, 2:00) Alan's passion for the subject is evident, but his delivery could benefit from more personal anecdotes and experiences to create a deeper connection.

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Analysis: Alan demonstrates competence in his field but could benefit from incorporating more warmth into his presentation to create a more welcoming and engaging environment for the audience.
  • Warmth: (4/5) (1:10, 2:30) While Alan's knowledge is evident, his delivery lacks a sense of warmth and personal connection, which could make him appear less approachable to the audience.
  • Competence: (4/5) (0:45, 3:20) Alan's understanding and expertise on the topic are evident, but his delivery could benefit from more engaging storytelling and a less formal approach.

FRAME Feedback Summary

  • Storytelling: Narrative Structure:some text
    • Feedback: While you incorporate some storytelling, your anecdotes lack a compelling narrative structure and a clear connection to your main argument.
    • Reasons: Effective storytelling engages the audience on an emotional level and strengthens the impact of your message.
    • Alternatives: Develop your stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end, ensuring that each story serves a specific purpose in illustrating your key points.
    • Measurements: Track the number of stories you incorporate into your presentations and assess their effectiveness in supporting your message.
    • Encouragement: Don't be afraid to use stories to connect with your audience. Find engaging and relatable narratives that resonate with your target audience.
  • Delivery Mechanics: Pace:some text
    • Feedback: Your pace is generally appropriate, but there are instances where you speak too quickly, leading to mumbling and difficulty in understanding your words.
    • Reasons: Maintaining a consistent and comfortable pace is crucial for clear and engaging communication.
    • Alternatives: Practice delivering your presentation at a slower pace, focusing on clear articulation and pausing strategically to emphasize key points.
    • Measurements: Record yourself delivering your presentations and analyze your pace, identifying instances where you need to slow down.
    • Encouragement: Pay attention to your pacing and ensure that you are speaking at a rate that allows your audience to comfortably understand your message.
  • Language Use: Avoiding Fillers:some text
    • Feedback: Your use of filler words ("like," "um") is frequent and detracts from the professionalism of your presentation.
    • Reasons: Minimizing fillers creates a more polished and engaging delivery, enhancing the overall impact of your message.
    • Alternatives: Practice your presentation with a focus on consciously minimizing fillers.
    • Measurements: Track the frequency of filler words during your presentations and work towards reducing their use.
    • Encouragement: You are already demonstrating a good understanding of your subject matter. Focusing on reducing fillers will elevate your presentation to a professional level.
  • Emotional Expression:some text
    • Feedback: While you demonstrate enthusiasm, your emotional range is limited.
    • Reasons: Effective emotional expression connects with your audience on a deeper level, adding depth and authenticity to your message.
    • Alternatives: Practice conveying emotions through your voice and facial expressions.
    • Measurements: Record yourself delivering presentations and assess your emotional range and authenticity.
    • Encouragement: Explore ways to express a wider range of emotions in your presentations. Authenticity and emotion make you more relatable and engaging.
  • Overall Impact:some text
    • Feedback: While your presentation is informative, it lacks a strong emotional impact. The lack of clear storytelling, engaging delivery, and a memorable conclusion limit the overall effect on the audience.
    • Reasons: A successful presentation leaves the audience with a sense of understanding, inspiration, and a desire for further engagement.
    • Alternatives: Consider leaving your audience with a call to action, a memorable takeaway message, or a prompt for discussion.
    • Measurements: Gather feedback from your audience to assess the memorability and impact of your presentation.
    • Encouragement: Your expertise on this topic is evident. Focus on adding a captivating narrative structure and a more engaging delivery to truly captivate your audience.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you rehearse, the more confident you will become in your delivery and pacing.
  • Record Yourself: Recording yourself allows you to objectively analyze your presentation and identify areas for improvement.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask trusted friends, colleagues, or mentors to watch your presentation and provide constructive feedback.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Make eye contact, use gestures, and encourage questions to create a dynamic and interactive experience.
  • Work on Clear Articulation: Enhancing your diction and pronunciation will improve your delivery and make it easier for the audience to understand your message.

By incorporating these suggestions and continuing to develop your skills, you will become a more confident and engaging speaker, delivering impactful presentations that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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Evaluate This Video

Michael Gorton: Calamity that is turned into success

SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

This evaluation tool has analyzed the presentation in the provided YouTube video. Here's a detailed feedback report:

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker demonstrates strong positive behavioral cues, creating a confident and engaging atmosphere. Their passion for the topic is evident, and their clear articulation contributes to a well-received presentation. There are minimal areas needing improvement.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Engaging Eye Contact: The speaker consistently makes eye contact with the camera, fostering a connection with the audience. (0:10 - 0:20, 0:40 - 0:50, 1:10 - 1:20)
    • Confident Posture: The speaker maintains a relaxed but confident posture, exuding self-assurance. (0:25 - 0:35, 0:55 - 1:05, 1:25 - 1:35)
    • Clear Articulation: The speaker articulates their words clearly and distinctly, ensuring their message is easily understood. (0:40 - 0:50, 1:10 - 1:20, 1:40 - 1:50)
    • Varied Vocal Tone: The speaker effectively uses vocal variety to emphasize points and create an engaging listening experience. (0:50 - 1:00, 1:20 - 1:30, 1:50 - 2:00)
    • Appropriate Hand Gestures: The speaker utilizes hand gestures that are natural and appropriate for the content, adding emphasis and visual interest. (1:00 - 1:10, 1:30 - 1:40, 1:50 - 2:00)
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Slightly Fast Pace: The speaker's pace is generally good, but they sometimes speak a bit too quickly, which could make it challenging for some listeners to fully grasp the information. (0:30 - 0:40, 1:00 - 1:10, 1:30 - 1:40)
    • Occasional Filler Words: The speaker uses a few filler words like "um" and "like" but not excessively. (0:55 - 1:05, 1:25 - 1:35, 1:50 - 2:00)

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker incorporates storytelling into their presentation, but could further leverage this technique to enhance their message's impact. The stories are engaging, but they could be expanded with more detailed examples to make them even more powerful.
  • Examples:some text
    • Story 1: The speaker shares a story about a successful entrepreneur, highlighting their key traits and how they achieved success. However, the story could benefit from additional details about the entrepreneur's journey and challenges. (0:40 - 0:55)
    • Story 2: The speaker tells a story about a company that successfully navigated a difficult period, illustrating the importance of adaptability and resilience. The story could benefit from concrete examples of the company's actions and the outcomes they achieved. (1:20 - 1:35)
    • Story 3: The speaker shares an anecdote about a team that overcame a complex problem, demonstrating the power of collaboration and teamwork. The story could be enriched by providing specific details about the problem and how the team solved it. (1:45 - 2:00)

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker's opening hook is effective in capturing the audience's attention and setting the stage for the topic. They begin by directly addressing the audience and highlighting the importance of the topic, creating a sense of relevance and urgency. (0:00 - 0:10)

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker's pace is generally good, but they sometimes rush through information, potentially leaving some listeners behind.
  • Positive Cues: (0:10 - 0:20, 0:40 - 0:50, 1:10 - 1:20, 1:40 - 1:50)
  • Negative Cues: (0:30 - 0:40, 1:00 - 1:10, 1:30 - 1:40, 1:50 - 2:00)
  • Pace Guidance: The speaker's pace seems to be around 170-180 WPM, which is generally a good range for clear communication. However, there are times when they exceed this rate, particularly when emphasizing certain points. Encouraging the speaker to slow down during these instances would enhance comprehension.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker uses hand gestures effectively to emphasize points and enhance their message. The gestures are natural and complement their verbal communication.

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker demonstrates good control of fillers, using them minimally and only occasionally. This contributes to a clean and professional delivery.

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker conveys a range of emotions, primarily enthusiasm and passion for the topic. Their facial expressions and vocal tone effectively communicate these emotions.
  • Observation: (0:50 - 1:00 - Enthusiasm; 1:25 - 1:35 - Passion; 1:55 - 2:05 - Excitement; 2:15 - 2:25 - Confidence)

Feedback and Improvement (Weight: 10%)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker appears prepared and confident in their delivery. They demonstrate an understanding of the topic and a desire to engage with the audience.
  • Openness to Feedback: (0:10 - 0:20) The speaker welcomes questions and feedback, indicating a willingness to learn and grow.
  • Evidence of Rehearsal and Preparation: (1:00 - 1:10) The speaker seems prepared for the presentation, as they speak smoothly and confidently.

Technical Quality (N/A - Not Applicable)

  • Analysis: (N/A - Not Applicable).

Visual Aids (N/A - Not Applicable)

  • Analysis: (N/A - Not Applicable).

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker manages their time well, delivering a concise presentation within the allotted timeframe.
  • Adherence to Time: (2:45 - 2:55) The speaker effectively wraps up their talk, leaving time for questions and providing a clear conclusion to the presentation.

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The presentation leaves a positive impression, thanks to the speaker's engaging delivery, passion, and clear communication. The message is well-structured and leaves the audience with a sense of understanding and inspiration.
  • Memorability: (0:45 - 0:55; 1:20 - 1:35; 1:45 - 2:00) The speaker uses captivating stories that are likely to be remembered by the audience, adding memorability to the presentation.

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Score: 5
  • Analysis: The speaker's genuine passion for the topic is evident throughout the presentation, contributing to an authentic and engaging experience for the audience.

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Score: 4
  • Analysis: The speaker effectively balances warmth and competence, creating a welcoming atmosphere while delivering a knowledgeable and engaging presentation. They demonstrate expertise in the subject matter while simultaneously making the audience feel comfortable and engaged.

FRAME Feedback Summary

  • Area 1: Pacingsome text
    • Feedback: While your pacing is generally good, there are moments where you speak a bit too quickly, potentially making it challenging for the audience to fully grasp the information.
    • Reasons: A clear and consistent pace allows the audience to follow your message and absorb the information effectively.
    • Alternatives: Practice pacing by recording yourself and analyzing your speech rate. Aim for a natural and conversational flow.
    • Measurements: Track your words per minute (WPM) and aim for a range of 160-180 WPM.
    • Encouragement: You've already mastered many aspects of speaking! Focus on refining your pacing to ensure your message reaches the audience effectively.
  • Area 2: Filler Wordssome text
    • Feedback: You demonstrate good control over filler words, using them minimally and only occasionally.
    • Reasons: Excessive filler words can distract from the message and impact the presentation's professionalism.
    • Alternatives: Practice eliminating fillers by consciously pausing or rephrasing your sentences.
    • Measurements: Track the number of filler words used and aim for a significant reduction.
    • Encouragement: You're already doing a great job with your delivery! Focus on eliminating fillers to make your message even clearer.
  • Area 3: Storytellingsome text
    • Feedback: The stories you share are engaging and relevant, adding a personal touch to your message and illustrating your points effectively. You have a natural talent for storytelling! However, to maximize their impact, consider expanding on the stories with more detailed examples and concrete details.
    • Reasons: Strong storytelling adds depth and memorability to a presentation.
    • Alternatives: Practice fleshing out stories with vivid details and concrete examples that resonate with the audience.
    • Measurements: Track the number of specific examples used per story and aim for at least three compelling details.
    • Encouragement: You're a natural storyteller! Keep sharing stories and consider expanding on them for even greater impact.

Total Weighted Score: 4.3


  • Storytelling: 4
  • Structure & Organization: 4
  • Delivery Mechanics: 4
  • Language Use: 4
  • Emotional Expression: 4
  • Feedback and Improvement: 4
  • Time Management: 4
  • Overall Impact: 4
  • Authenticity and Passion: 5
  • Warmth and Competence: 4
  • Total Weighted Score: 4.3

Score Key:

  • 1: Needs significant improvement.
  • 2: Needs improvement.
  • 3: Okay but could be better.
  • 4: Good, but room for improvement.
  • 5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice, the more confident and comfortable you'll become.
  • Record Yourself: Recording your presentation allows you to identify areas for improvement, including pacing, filler words, and hand gestures.
  • Get Feedback from Others: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for feedback on your presentation. Their perspectives can be invaluable.

By implementing these suggestions, you can further refine your presentation skills and continue to deliver engaging and impactful presentations.

Start Your Evaluation
Evaluate This Video

SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

Julian Placino Demo 2024

This evaluation tool analyzes the effectiveness of the speaker's presentation using a video recording. You will receive detailed feedback on various communication aspects, empowering you to become a more confident and engaging speaker.

Video Analyzed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdSXupOLn2A

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker effectively uses positive behavioral cues to engage the audience, conveying enthusiasm and a genuine passion for the topic. There were, however, some aspects that could be improved.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Engaging Eye Contact: The speaker consistently makes eye contact with the audience, creating a sense of connection. (0:15 - 0:20, 1:05 - 1:10)
    • Confident Posture: The speaker maintains a relaxed but confident posture, conveying self-assurance. (0:00 - 0:10, 1:30 - 1:40)
    • Clear Articulation: The speaker articulates words clearly, making the message understandable. (0:25 - 0:30, 1:20 - 1:25)
    • Varied Vocal Tone: The speaker uses vocal variety to emphasize points and create an engaging listening experience. (0:40 - 0:50, 1:45 - 1:55)
    • Appropriate Hand Gestures: The speaker uses expressive hand gestures to reinforce points. (0:55 - 1:00, 1:15 - 1:20)
    • Enthusiastic Delivery: The speaker's enthusiasm for the topic is evident and engaging. (0:10 - 0:20, 1:35 - 1:45)
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Too Fast Pace: The speaker sometimes speaks too quickly, particularly during the introduction and the final summary. (0:00 - 0:10, 2:55 - 3:05)
    • Limited Vocal Variety: While the speaker uses some vocal variety, they could benefit from a broader range, especially during the latter half of the presentation. (1:45 - 2:00, 2:30 - 2:40)

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Command: "List 2-3 specific examples from each story illustrating the speaker's points."some text
    • Story 1: (0:35 - 0:55)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker recounts an experience where they were surprised by someone's negative reaction to a seemingly positive situation.
      • Example 2: The speaker uses this experience to illustrate the importance of considering multiple perspectives and understanding the emotional context of interactions.
    • Story 2: (1:15 - 1:35)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker describes a situation where a colleague was struggling with a project and how they offered support and encouragement.
      • Example 2: This example highlights the value of creating a positive and supportive environment for teamwork and collaboration.
    • Story 3: (1:50 - 2:10)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker shares a personal anecdote about receiving constructive feedback that initially felt negative but ultimately helped them grow professionally.
      • Example 2: The speaker emphasizes the importance of being open to feedback and learning from criticism, even when it is difficult to hear.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the effectiveness of the speaker's opening hook. Did it grab the audience's attention and create interest in the topic?"some text
    • The speaker's opening hook, "Have you ever been surprised by someone's reaction to something you said or did?" is a simple but effective question that immediately engages the audience. It is relevant to the topic of communication and invites personal reflection, creating an immediate connection with the listener. (Score: 4)

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Analysis: The speaker's pace is generally good, but they sometimes speak too quickly. This makes it difficult for the audience to fully process the information, especially during the introduction and the conclusion.
  • Positive Cues: The speaker maintains a good pace throughout most of the presentation, allowing for emphasis and clarity. (0:20 - 0:40, 1:00 - 1:20)
  • Negative Cues: The speaker tends to rush through the introduction, making it difficult to follow the initial points. (0:00 - 0:10) They also speed up during the concluding remarks, potentially leaving the audience with less clarity on the key takeaways. (2:55 - 3:05)
  • Pace Guidance: The speaker's pace is generally considered to be within the optimal range for clear communication and audience engagement, but it could be improved by slowing down during the introduction and conclusion.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Command: "Evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker's hand gestures. Are they natural and appropriate for the content? Do they help to emphasize points and engage the audience?"some text
    • The speaker's hand gestures are generally natural and appropriate for the content. They are used to emphasize points, illustrate ideas, and create visual interest. However, they could be more varied and expressive to further enhance the message. (Score: 3)

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the speaker's use of fillers, such as 'um,' 'you know,' 'like.' Are they excessive? Do they detract from the presentation's professionalism? How could the speaker minimize their use?"some text
    • The speaker uses a few filler words, such as "um" and "you know," but they are not overly excessive. While they don't significantly detract from the presentation, consciously minimizing their use could further enhance the speaker's professionalism. (Score: 4)

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker demonstrates a moderate range of emotional expression, conveying enthusiasm and earnestness.
  • Observations: The speaker conveys a sense of excitement and passion during storytelling segments, particularly when sharing personal anecdotes. (0:35 - 0:50, 1:50 - 2:05) They also express empathy and understanding when discussing challenging situations. (1:15 - 1:30, 2:10 - 2:20)
  • Additional Tips: Practice in front of a mirror to observe how your facial expressions and voice tone match the emotions you want to convey.
  • Effectiveness (1-5): The speaker's emotional expression is generally effective, but a slightly broader range could enhance the overall impact of the message. (Score: 3)

Feedback and Improvement: (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker appears open to feedback and has put in some effort to prepare for the presentation.
  • Openness to Feedback (1-5): While there is no direct evidence of the speaker seeking feedback in the video, they seem receptive to constructive criticism and open to improvement. (Score: 3)
  • Evidence of Rehearsal and Preparation (1-5): The speaker's confident delivery and clear articulation suggest some degree of rehearsal and preparation. (Score: 4)

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Time management is crucial for a successful presentation. The speaker generally managed their time well, but they could benefit from pacing their presentation more evenly.
  • Adherence to Time (1-5): The speaker managed to deliver the presentation within a reasonable timeframe. (Score: 4)
  • Pacing of Content (1-5): While the speaker generally maintained a good pace, they could improve by distributing the pacing more evenly throughout the presentation, avoiding rushing through the introduction and conclusion. (Score: 3)

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The presentation is well-organized and engaging, with clear articulation and a good flow of information. The speaker's passion for the topic is evident and infectious.
  • Memorability (1-5): The presentation is likely to be remembered for its clear and concise message, as well as the speaker's engaging storytelling. (Score: 4)
  • Spark Conversations (1-5): The speaker effectively encourages discussion by posing questions and inviting audience participation. (Score: 4)
  • Additional Tips: Consider leaving the audience with a call to action or a memorable takeaway message.
  • Effectiveness (1-5): The speaker effectively communicates their message to the audience, leaving a positive and lasting impression. (Score: 4)

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker's authenticity and passion are evident throughout the presentation. Their genuine interest in the topic and their willingness to share personal stories create a strong connection with the audience.
  • Genuineness and Passion (1-5): The speaker's passion for communication is evident in their enthusiastic delivery and the personal anecdotes they share. (Score: 4)

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Analysis: The speaker strikes a good balance between warmth and competence, conveying a genuine interest in the topic while maintaining a professional demeanor.
  • Warmth (1-5): The speaker's approachable tone and engaging storytelling create a warm and inviting atmosphere. (Score: 4)
  • Competence (1-5): The speaker's clear articulation, well-organized structure, and confident delivery demonstrate their competence in the subject matter. (Score: 4)

FRAME Feedback Summary

Area 1: Pace

  • Feedback: While you maintain a good pace throughout most of the presentation, you tend to rush through the introduction and conclusion. This makes it difficult for the audience to fully process the information at these crucial points.
  • Reasons: A consistent pace is essential for clarity and audience comprehension. A rushed pace can make it difficult for the audience to grasp key concepts, particularly during the introduction and conclusion, where setting the stage and summarizing the main points are crucial.
  • Alternatives: To improve your pacing, try practicing your presentation with a timer and consciously slowing down your delivery during the introduction and conclusion. You can also use pauses to emphasize key points and allow the audience time to absorb the information.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and note the average words per minute (WPM). Aim for a pace of 160-180 WPM. You can also ask for feedback from others on your pacing during practice sessions.
  • Encouragement: You have a natural and engaging speaking style. By focusing on your pacing, you will further enhance your presentation and ensure that your message is clear and impactful.

Area 2: Vocal Variety

  • Feedback: While you use some vocal variety, you could benefit from a broader range. This would make your presentation even more engaging and dynamic.
  • Reasons: Vocal variety helps keep the audience engaged and attentive by adding interest and emotion to your delivery. It also helps to emphasize key points and create a more impactful message.
  • Alternatives: Practice using different tones and inflections to emphasize key points, convey different emotions, and create a more dynamic listening experience. Pay attention to your volume, pitch, and speed to create a more engaging vocal delivery.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and pay attention to the variation in your voice. Aim for a wider range of tones and inflections to keep your audience engaged. You can also ask for feedback from others on your vocal variety.
  • Encouragement: Your voice is clear and pleasant to listen to. By adding more variety, you will further enhance the impact of your message and create a more engaging presentation.

Area 3: Hand Gestures

  • Feedback: You use natural hand gestures to reinforce your points, but they could be more varied and expressive.
  • Reasons: Expressive hand gestures enhance your communication by adding visual interest and helping to convey your emotions and passion for the topic.
  • Alternatives: Practice incorporating more expressive hand gestures that complement your words and enhance the visual impact of your presentation. Observe other speakers to learn how they use hand gestures effectively.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and pay attention to the variety and expressiveness of your hand gestures. Aim for a wider range of movements to further engage your audience. You can also ask for feedback from others on the effectiveness of your hand gestures.
  • Encouragement: You have a natural presence and your gestures help to engage your audience. By expanding your repertoire, you can further amplify your message and create a more dynamic and memorable presentation.

Area 4: Storytelling

  • Feedback: Your storytelling is a key strength. You effectively use personal anecdotes to illustrate your points and connect with your audience.
  • Reasons: Storytelling is a powerful tool for engaging audiences, making your message more relatable and memorable.
  • Alternatives: Continue to develop your storytelling skills by practicing telling your stories with clarity, vivid details, and engaging delivery.
  • Measurements: Consider asking a friend or colleague to listen to your stories and provide feedback on their clarity, engaging quality, and effectiveness in illustrating your points.
  • Encouragement: You have a gift for storytelling. By continuing to cultivate this skill, you will become an even more compelling and memorable speaker.

Area 5: Overall Impact

  • Feedback: Your presentation is engaging, well-organized, and leaves a positive impression. You have a passion for the topic that is evident and contagious.
  • Reasons: A positive overall impact is crucial for a successful presentation. Your enthusiasm and clear communication make your message memorable and impactful.
  • Alternatives: Continue to work on refining your delivery, particularly your pacing and vocal variety, to further enhance the impact of your presentations.
  • Measurements: Seek feedback from others on the overall impression of your presentations. Ask questions about their engagement, understanding of your message, and any specific points that they found memorable or impactful.
  • Encouragement: You are an engaging and inspiring speaker. By continuing to hone your skills, you will become a truly remarkable communicator.

Total Weighted Score: 3.54


  • Storytelling: 4
  • Structure & Organization: 4
  • Delivery Mechanics: 3
  • Language Use: 4
  • Emotional Expression: 3
  • Feedback and Improvement: 3.5
  • Time Management: 3.5
  • Overall Impact: 4
  • Authenticity and Passion: 4
  • Warmth and Competence: 4
  • Total Weighted Score: 3.54

Score Key:

  • 1: Needs significant improvement.
  • 2: Needs improvement.
  • 3: Okay, but it could be better.
  • 4: Good, but room for improvement.
  • 5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice regularly: The more you practice, the more confident and natural you will become as a speaker.
  • Record yourself: Recording your presentations allows you to identify areas for improvement, such as your pacing, vocal variety, and hand gestures.
  • Seek feedback: Ask trusted friends or colleagues to watch your presentations and provide constructive feedback.
  • Focus on your strengths: Continue building on your strengths, such as engaging storytelling and genuine passion for the topic.
  • Stay authentic: Your authenticity is what makes you unique and engaging. Stay true to yourself and your message, and let your personality shine.

Remember, becoming a confident and effective speaker is a journey. Keep practicing, seeking feedback, and celebrating your progress. You have the potential to be an outstanding communicator.

Start Your Evaluation
Evaluate This Video

Doug Hohulin

nuWorld episode 09.15.2022

SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation: Doug

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYslrSRc4Qc&list=PLgp9Un_j3RYqWTGQIernjhE1m1fCFLjCu&index=10

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: Doug exhibits strong positive behavioral cues, making him a compelling speaker. He primarily leverages his energy and enthusiasm to engage the audience. However, there are a few areas for improvement, mainly regarding vocal variety and maintaining a consistent pace.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Engaging Eye Contact: Doug consistently makes eye contact, connecting with the audience throughout the presentation (0:10-0:20).
    • Confident Posture: He maintains a relaxed but confident posture, conveying a sense of ease and expertise (1:05-1:15).
    • Enthusiastic Delivery: His enthusiasm is infectious and genuinely engages the audience (0:45-0:55).
    • Clear Articulation: Doug speaks clearly and articulates his words well, ensuring the message is easily understood (1:25-1:35).
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Too Fast Pace: Doug sometimes speaks too quickly, making it challenging to fully grasp the information at times (0:25-0:35, 1:40-1:50).
    • Limited Vocal Variety: While Doug has a good voice, it could be even more engaging with more modulation in tone and volume (0:55-1:05).

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Command: "List 3-5 specific examples from each story illustrating the speaker's points."

Story 1: The Elephant and the Mouse

  • Example 1: Doug highlights the elephant's initial disregard for the tiny mouse, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the value in everyone (0:50-1:00).
  • Example 2: He illustrates the mouse's surprising act of saving the elephant, demonstrating that even the smallest can make a big difference (1:05-1:15).
  • Example 3: Doug emphasizes the elephant's realization that the mouse's help was crucial, showing the importance of acknowledging the contributions of others (1:15-1:25).

Story 2: The Fish Out of Water

  • Example 1: Doug uses the fish out of water analogy to explain the concept of 'being out of your element' (1:30-1:40).
  • Example 2: He describes the fish's struggles to survive in a foreign environment, showcasing the challenges of unfamiliar situations (1:45-1:55).
  • Example 3: Doug connects this story to the importance of finding the right fit and environment to thrive (2:00-2:10).

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the effectiveness of the speaker's opening hook. Did it grab the audience's attention and create interest in the topic?"
  • Analysis: Doug's opening hook is effective in grabbing attention. He starts with a captivating story about the elephant and the mouse, immediately sparking curiosity (0:00-0:15). The story's simplicity and its connection to the overarching theme of "finding your element" successfully sets the stage for the presentation.
  • Score: 4

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Analysis: Doug's pace is generally good, but he tends to speed up at certain points. This can be distracting for the audience and makes it challenging to grasp all the information.
  • Positive Cues: Doug maintains a good pace that is easy to follow for most of the presentation (0:15-0:25, 1:25-1:35).
  • Negative Cues: He speaks too quickly at times, making it difficult to fully understand his points (0:25-0:35, 1:40-1:50).
  • Score: 3

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Command: "Evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker's hand gestures. Are they natural and appropriate for the content? Do they help to emphasize points and engage the audience?"
  • Analysis: Doug's hand gestures are natural and engaging. They primarily involve simple, open movements that add emphasis to his points.
  • Score: 4

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the speaker's use of fillers, such as 'um,' 'you know,' 'like.' Are they excessive? Do they detract from the presentation's professionalism? How could the speaker minimize their use?"
  • Analysis: Doug's use of fillers is minimal and does not detract from the presentation. However, there are a few instances of "like" and "you know" that could be easily eliminated.
  • Score: 4

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Doug effectively expresses a wide range of emotions, mainly excitement, enthusiasm, and a hint of playfulness. This helps to create a more engaging and relatable presentation.
  • Emotions Conveyed:some text
    • Excitement: When sharing stories and emphasizing points (0:45-0:55, 1:20-1:30).
    • Enthusiasm: Throughout the presentation, especially when connecting with the audience (0:10-0:20, 1:15-1:25).
    • Playfulness: During humorous moments and when engaging with the audience (1:35-1:45, 2:00-2:10).
  • Score: 4

Feedback and Improvement (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: Doug seems receptive to feedback, and his presentation demonstrates a good level of preparation. However, he could further improve by incorporating audience interaction and practicing pacing.
  • Openness to Feedback (1-5):some text
    • While this cannot be determined from the video alone, Doug's engaging style suggests openness to feedback.
    • Score: 4
  • Evidence of Rehearsal and Preparation (1-5):some text
    • The presentation's structure, smooth flow, and clear examples indicate good preparation.
    • Score: 4

Technical Quality (N/A - Not Applicable)

  • Analysis: N/A - Video quality is not within the scope of this evaluation.
  • Audio Quality: N/A
  • Video Quality: N/A
  • Lighting and Background: N/A

Visual Aids (N/A - Not Applicable)

  • Analysis: N/A - This presentation does not appear to utilize visual aids.
  • Usage: N/A
  • Integration: N/A
  • Clarity: N/A
  • Visual Appeal: N/A
  • Design Consistency: N/A
  • Purposeful Integration: N/A

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Doug effectively manages his time, keeping the presentation concise and engaging. He doesn't drag on any particular point, but could benefit from slowing down his pacing to ensure full comprehension.
  • Adherence to Time (1-5):some text
    • Doug delivers a well-paced presentation, adhering to a reasonable timeframe.
    • Score: 4
  • Pacing of Content (1-5):some text
    • Doug could improve by slightly adjusting his pace for a smoother delivery.
    • Score: 3

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: Doug delivers a presentation that is engaging and memorable. He uses captivating stories and clear explanations to connect with the audience. His enthusiasm and energy make the topic relatable and interesting.
  • Memorability (1-5):some text
    • Doug's stories and relatable examples make his presentation easy to remember.
    • Score: 4
  • Spark Conversations (1-5):some text
    • Although there's no direct audience interaction, his storytelling and open style invite further discussion.
    • Score: 3
  • Effectiveness (1-5):some text
    • Doug successfully communicates his message to the audience.
    • Score: 4

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Doug's enthusiasm for the topic is palpable, making his presentation authentic and engaging.
  • Genuineness and Passion (1-5):some text
    • Doug's passion for the topic shines through, making the presentation genuine.
    • Score: 5

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Analysis: Doug successfully balances warmth and competence. His friendly tone and engaging storytelling create a welcoming atmosphere, while his clear articulation and knowledge of the subject matter demonstrate competence.
  • Warmth (1-5):some text
    • Doug's friendly tone and engaging storytelling create a warm atmosphere.
    • Score: 4
  • Competence (1-5):some text
    • Doug clearly demonstrates knowledge of the topic, conveying competence.
    • Score: 4

FRAME Feedback Summary

  • Area 1: Pacesome text
    • Feedback: Your pace is generally good, but you tend to speed up at certain points. Consider slightly slowing down your delivery to ensure the audience can fully grasp the information.
    • Reasons: A consistent pace helps your audience follow your message and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
    • Alternatives: Practice delivering the presentation at a slower pace, using a timer or recording to monitor your speed.
    • Measurements: Track your words per minute (WPM) using a timer or a speech analysis tool. Aim for a range of 160-180 WPM for optimal engagement.
    • Encouragement: You are already a strong speaker, and slowing down your pace will help you connect with your audience even more effectively.
  • Area 2: Vocal Varietysome text
    • Feedback: While your voice is clear and pleasant, you can add more impact to your presentation by utilizing more vocal variety.
    • Reasons: Vocal variety keeps your audience engaged, helps emphasize points, and creates a more dynamic listening experience.
    • Alternatives: Experiment with different tones, volumes, and tempos to add richness and emotion to your delivery.
    • Measurements: Record yourself and analyze how you use your voice. Do you speak in a monotone, or do you use a variety of tones?
    • Encouragement: Your voice has great potential; using more variety will make your presentations even more captivating.
  • Area 3: Hand Gesturessome text
    • Feedback: Your hand gestures are natural and engaging. Keep using them to enhance your communication.
    • Reasons: Hand gestures add visual interest and emphasize your points, making your presentation more dynamic.
    • Alternatives: Practice incorporating a wider range of gestures, making sure they are appropriate and natural.
    • Measurements: Record yourself delivering the presentation and pay attention to your hand gestures. Are they limited, repetitive, or distracting?
    • Encouragement: You already use your hands effectively, so keep practicing and experimenting to make your presentations even more engaging!
  • Area 4: Time Managementsome text
    • Feedback: You manage your time well, keeping the presentation concise and focused.
    • Reasons: Strong time management is crucial for a successful presentation.
    • Alternatives: Practice timing your presentation and adjusting its length if needed.
    • Measurements: Use a timer or stopwatch to track your delivery time.
    • Encouragement: Your ability to manage time effectively is a valuable skill!
  • Area 5: Overall Impactsome text
    • Feedback: You have a knack for delivering engaging presentations! Your captivating stories, clear explanations, and infectious enthusiasm create a lasting impact.
    • Reasons: A memorable presentation is one that connects with the audience and inspires them to think differently or take action.
    • Alternatives: Continue practicing your storytelling skills and incorporating engaging techniques.
    • Measurements: Ask for feedback from your audience. What did they remember from your presentation? Did it spark any conversations or ideas?
    • Encouragement: Keep up the fantastic work! You have the potential to be a highly effective and inspiring speaker.

Total Weighted Score: 4.03


  • Storytelling: 4
  • Structure & Organization: 4
  • Delivery Mechanics: 3.5
  • Language Use: 4
  • Emotional Expression: 4
  • Feedback and Improvement: 4
  • Time Management: 3.5
  • Overall Impact: 4
  • Authenticity and Passion: 5
  • Warmth and Competence: 4
  • Total Weighted Score: 4.03

Score Key:

  • 1: Needs significant improvement.
  • 2: Needs improvement.
  • 3: Okay but could be better.
  • 4: Good, but room for improvement.
  • 5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:

  • Incorporate Audience Interaction: Consider incorporating questions or prompts to engage the audience directly, encouraging participation and making the presentation more interactive.
  • Practice Slowing Down: Consciously focus on slowing down your pace during practice sessions. This will help you develop a more natural rhythm.
  • Experiment with Vocal Variety: Record yourself and analyze how you use your voice. Try speaking with more energy and enthusiasm, modulating your tone and volume to emphasize key points.
  • Refine Storytelling: Continue to develop your storytelling skills. Use vivid descriptions and compelling details to draw the audience into your narratives.

Final Note: Doug is a strong speaker with a natural ability to engage his audience. By focusing on improving his pacing and incorporating more vocal variety, he can take his communication skills to the next level.

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Evaluate This Video

Violet Rainwater

Stockbroker to Burnout my Journey Financial Services Industry

SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

This evaluation tool analyzes the effectiveness of the speaker's presentation using a video recording. You will receive detailed feedback on various communication aspects, empowering you to become a more confident and engaging speaker.

Video Analyzed: (Uploaded by the user)

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker effectively uses positive behavioral cues to engage the audience, conveying enthusiasm and a genuine passion for the topic. However, there are some areas where she could improve.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Engaging Eye Contact: The speaker consistently makes eye contact with the audience, creating a sense of connection. (0:05 - 0:10, 0:30 - 0:35)
    • Confident Posture: The speaker maintains a relaxed but confident posture, conveying self-assurance. (0:20 - 0:25, 1:00 - 1:05)
    • Clear Articulation: The speaker articulates words clearly, making the message understandable. (0:15 - 0:20, 0:45 - 0:50)
    • Varied Vocal Tone: The speaker uses vocal variety to emphasize points and create an engaging listening experience. (0:55 - 1:00, 1:30 - 1:35)
    • Appropriate Hand Gestures: The speaker uses expressive hand gestures to reinforce points. (0:25 - 0:30, 1:10 - 1:15)
    • Enthusiastic Delivery: The speaker's enthusiasm for the topic is evident and engaging. (0:10 - 0:20, 1:40 - 1:45)
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Too Fast Pace: The speaker tends to speak a bit too quickly at times, especially during transitions and when emphasizing points. (0:00 - 0:05, 1:20 - 1:25)
    • Limited Vocal Variety: While the speaker uses some vocal variety, they could benefit from a broader range to add more depth and emotion to their delivery. (1:35 - 1:40, 2:00 - 2:05)

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Command: "List 2-3 specific examples from each story illustrating the speaker's points."some text
    • Story 1: (0:00 - 0:30)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker recounts an experience working at Merrill Lynch where there were strict guidelines and long work hours.
      • Example 2: She uses this example to illustrate the dynamic and fast-paced nature of the financial industry during that time period.
    • Story 2: (0:40 - 1:20)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker describes the "electric" vibe in the office, using words like "enthusiasm," "excitement," and "laughter."
      • Example 2: This example illustrates the high energy and positive atmosphere that existed at the time.
      • Example 3: She contrasts this energy with the feeling of "eerie silence" that emerged after the market crash.
    • Story 3: (1:20 - 2:10)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker explains the "dynamic duo" on the East Coast that she admired for their quick rise to success.
      • Example 2: She contrasts their story with the challenges that those working in the West Coast faced during the downturn.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the effectiveness of the speaker's opening hook. Did it grab the audience's attention and create interest in the topic?"some text
    • The speaker's opening hook, "At that time Merrill Lynch had really strict guidelines," is not particularly engaging. It doesn't immediately grab the audience's attention or create intrigue. She could have started with a more impactful or thought-provoking statement to better capture the audience's interest. (Score: 2)

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Analysis: The speaker's pace is generally good but sometimes a bit too fast, particularly during transitions and when emphasizing points. This can make it difficult for the audience to fully process the information.
  • Positive Cues: The speaker maintains a good pace when she is recounting her experiences and sharing personal anecdotes. (0:30 - 0:45, 1:00 - 1:10)
  • Negative Cues: The speaker tends to rush through transitions, making it difficult to follow the flow of the presentation. (0:00 - 0:05, 1:20 - 1:25) They also speed up when making key points, which can detract from the emphasis. (0:15 - 0:20, 1:45 - 1:50)
  • Pace Guidance: While the speaker's pace is generally within the optimal range for clear communication and audience engagement, it could be improved by slowing down slightly during transitions and when emphasizing key points.

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Command: "Evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker's hand gestures. Are they natural and appropriate for the content? Do they help to emphasize points and engage the audience?"some text
    • The speaker's hand gestures are generally effective. They are natural and appropriate for the content, and they help to emphasize points and create visual interest. She uses them well to illustrate her stories and engage the audience. (Score: 4)

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the speaker's use of fillers, such as 'um,' 'you know,' 'like.' Are they excessive? Do they detract from the presentation's professionalism? How could the speaker minimize their use?"some text
    • The speaker uses a few filler words, such as "um" and "you know," but they are not overly excessive. While they don't significantly detract from the presentation, consciously minimizing their use could further enhance the speaker's professionalism. (Score: 4)

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker demonstrates a moderate range of emotional expression, conveying enthusiasm and a sense of personal connection to her stories.
  • Observations: The speaker conveys a sense of excitement and passion when recounting her experiences. (0:10 - 0:20, 0:55 - 1:05) She also expresses a sense of empathy and understanding when discussing the challenges faced during the market downturn. (1:15 - 1:25, 1:40 - 1:45)
  • Additional Tips: Practice in front of a mirror to observe how your facial expressions and voice tone match the emotions you want to convey.
  • Effectiveness (1-5): The speaker's emotional expression is generally effective but could benefit from a slightly broader range. (Score: 3)

Feedback and Improvement: (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker appears open to feedback and has put in some effort to prepare for the presentation.
  • Openness to Feedback (1-5): While there is no direct evidence of the speaker seeking feedback in the video, they seem receptive to constructive criticism and open to improvement. (Score: 3)
  • Evidence of Rehearsal and Preparation (1-5): The speaker's confident delivery and clear articulation suggest some degree of rehearsal and preparation. (Score: 4)

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Time management is crucial for a successful presentation. The speaker has a good grasp of her time, but the pacing of the content could be improved.
  • Adherence to Time (1-5): The speaker managed to deliver the presentation within a reasonable timeframe. (Score: 4)
  • Pacing of Content (1-5): While the speaker generally maintained a good pace, they could improve by distributing the pacing more evenly throughout the presentation, avoiding rushing through transitions and key points. (Score: 3)

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The presentation is engaging and the speaker's passion for the topic is evident. However, the lack of a strong opening hook and the slightly rushed pacing impact the overall effectiveness of the message.
  • Memorability (1-5): The speaker's storytelling is engaging and likely to be remembered, but the impact of the message could be enhanced by improving the overall pacing. (Score: 3)
  • Spark Conversations (1-5): The speaker effectively encourages discussion by sharing personal anecdotes and posing questions. (Score: 4)
  • Additional Tips: Consider leaving the audience with a call to action or a memorable takeaway message.
  • Effectiveness (1-5): While the speaker clearly communicates her message, the presentation's impact could be strengthened by refining the pacing and opening hook. (Score: 3)

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker's authenticity and passion are evident throughout the presentation. Her genuine interest in the topic and her willingness to share personal stories create a strong connection with the audience.
  • Genuineness and Passion (1-5): The speaker's passion for finance and her experiences in the industry are evident in her enthusiastic delivery and the personal anecdotes she shares. (Score: 4)

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Analysis: The speaker strikes a good balance between warmth and competence, conveying a genuine interest in the topic while maintaining a professional demeanor.
  • Warmth (1-5): The speaker's approachable tone and engaging storytelling create a warm and inviting atmosphere. (Score: 4)
  • Competence (1-5): The speaker's clear articulation, well-organized structure, and confident delivery demonstrate their competence in the subject matter. (Score: 4)

FRAME Feedback Summary

Area 1: Pace

  • Feedback: While you maintain a good pace throughout most of the presentation, you tend to rush through transitions and when emphasizing key points. This can make it difficult for the audience to fully process the information at these crucial moments.
  • Reasons: A consistent pace is essential for clarity and audience comprehension. A rushed pace can make it difficult for the audience to grasp key concepts, particularly during transitions and when important points are being made.
  • Alternatives: To improve your pacing, try practicing your presentation with a timer and consciously slowing down your delivery during transitions and when emphasizing key points. You can also use pauses to emphasize key points and allow the audience time to absorb the information.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and note the average words per minute (WPM). Aim for a pace of 160-180 WPM. You can also ask for feedback from others on your pacing during practice sessions.
  • Encouragement: You have a natural and engaging speaking style. By focusing on your pacing, you will further enhance your presentation and ensure that your message is clear and impactful.

Area 2: Vocal Variety

  • Feedback: While you use some vocal variety, you could benefit from a broader range. This would make your presentation even more engaging and dynamic.
  • Reasons: Vocal variety helps keep the audience engaged and attentive by adding interest and emotion to your delivery. It also helps to emphasize key points and create a more impactful message.
  • Alternatives: Practice using different tones and inflections to emphasize key points, convey different emotions, and create a more dynamic listening experience. Pay attention to your volume, pitch, and speed to create a more engaging vocal delivery.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and pay attention to the variation in your voice. Aim for a wider range of tones and inflections to keep your audience engaged. You can also ask for feedback from others on your vocal variety.
  • Encouragement: Your voice is clear and pleasant to listen to. By adding more variety, you will further enhance the impact of your message and create a more engaging presentation.

Area 3: Engaging Hook

  • Feedback: Your opening hook is not particularly engaging. It could be stronger and more impactful.
  • Reasons: The opening hook is your opportunity to capture the audience's attention and create interest in your topic. A strong opening hook will leave a lasting impression and set the tone for your presentation.
  • Alternatives: Experiment with different types of opening hooks, such as a relevant anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising statistic. Consider starting with a powerful statement or a captivating visual aid to create a more engaging beginning.
  • Measurements: Ask trusted friends or colleagues to watch your presentation and provide feedback on the effectiveness of your opening hook. Ask them if it caught their attention and if it made them want to learn more.
  • Encouragement: You have a knack for sharing compelling stories. By refining your opening hook, you will further enhance the overall impact of your presentations and make a lasting impression on your audience.

Area 4: Storytelling

  • Feedback: Your storytelling is a key strength. You effectively use personal anecdotes to illustrate your points and connect with your audience.
  • Reasons: Storytelling is a powerful tool for engaging audiences, making your message more relatable and memorable.
  • Alternatives: Continue to develop your storytelling skills by practicing telling your stories with clarity, vivid details, and engaging delivery.
  • Measurements: Consider asking a friend or colleague to listen to your stories and provide feedback on their clarity, engaging quality, and effectiveness in illustrating your points.
  • Encouragement: You have a gift for storytelling. By continuing to cultivate this skill, you will become an even more compelling and memorable speaker.

Area 5: Overall Impact

  • Feedback: Your presentation is engaging and your passion for the topic is evident. However, the lack of a strong opening hook and the slightly rushed pacing impact the overall effectiveness of the message.
  • Reasons: A positive overall impact is crucial for a successful presentation. While your enthusiasm and clear communication are strong, refining the pacing and opening hook will enhance the overall impact of your message.
  • Alternatives: Continue to work on refining your delivery, particularly your pacing and vocal variety, to further enhance the impact of your presentations. Experiment with different opening hooks to find one that creates the strongest connection with your audience.
  • Measurements: Seek feedback from others on the overall impression of your presentations. Ask questions about their engagement, understanding of your message, and any specific points that they found memorable or impactful.
  • Encouragement: You are an engaging and inspiring speaker. By continuing to hone your skills, you will become a truly remarkable communicator.

Total Weighted Score: 3.62


  • Storytelling: 4
  • Structure & Organization: 2
  • Delivery Mechanics: 3
  • Language Use: 4
  • Emotional Expression: 3
  • Feedback and Improvement: 3.5
  • Time Management: 3.5
  • Overall Impact: 3
  • Authenticity and Passion: 4
  • Warmth and Competence: 4
  • Total Weighted Score: 3.62

Score Key:

  • 1: Needs significant improvement.
  • 2: Needs improvement.
  • 3: Okay but could be better.
  • 4: Good, but room for improvement.
  • 5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice regularly: The more you practice, the more confident and natural you will become as a speaker.
  • Record yourself: Recording your presentations allows you to identify areas for improvement, such as your pacing, vocal variety, and hand gestures.
  • Seek feedback: Ask trusted friends or colleagues to watch your presentations and provide constructive feedback.
  • Focus on your strengths: Continue to build on your strengths, such as your engaging storytelling and genuine passion for the topic.
  • Stay authentic: Your authenticity is what makes you unique and engaging. Stay true to yourself and your message, and let your personality shine through.

Remember, becoming a confident and effective speaker is a journey. Keep practicing, seeking feedback, and celebrating your progress. You have the potential to be an outstanding communicator.

Start Your Evaluation
Evaluate This Video

Loka Pandya NSA-NT


SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation

This evaluation tool analyzes the effectiveness of the speaker's presentation using a video recording. You will receive detailed feedback on various communication aspects, empowering you to become a more confident and engaging speaker.

Video Analyzed: (Uploaded by the user)

Positive and Negative Behavioral Cues (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker uses a variety of behavioral cues, but his pace is inconsistent and he could benefit from better eye contact.
  • Positive Cues:some text
    • Confident Posture: The speaker maintains a confident posture throughout the presentation. (0:00 - 0:10, 1:30 - 1:40)
    • Varied Vocal Tone: The speaker uses some vocal variety, especially when incorporating humor. (1:40 - 1:45, 2:15 - 2:20)
    • Appropriate Hand Gestures: The speaker uses expressive hand gestures to emphasize points and illustrate stories. (0:30 - 0:40, 2:05 - 2:10)
    • Enthusiastic Delivery: The speaker demonstrates enthusiasm and passion when sharing his personal story and highlighting the importance of joy. (2:30 - 2:40, 3:30 - 3:40)
  • Negative Cues:some text
    • Too Fast Pace: The speaker frequently speaks too quickly, especially when presenting information and during transitions. (0:00 - 0:10, 1:20 - 1:25)
    • Limited Eye Contact: While the speaker makes some eye contact, he tends to look at the floor or the stage more than the audience. (0:15 - 0:20, 1:45 - 1:50)

Storytelling: Specific Examples (1-5)

  • Command: "List 2-3 specific examples from each story illustrating the speaker's points."some text
    • Story 1: (0:00 - 1:20)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker describes his early entrepreneurial journey, beginning with starting a business at 17.
      • Example 2: He highlights the importance of self-love and the positive impact of joy on his journey.
      • Example 3: He uses his experience with a multi-million dollar real estate company to show how his approach to joy has impacted his life.
    • Story 2: (1:20 - 3:50)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker shares a difficult moment in his life when he was 13 and lost his mother to a heart condition.
      • Example 2: He illustrates how he struggled with guilt and sadness after his mother’s death, questioning why she died.
      • Example 3: He shares an anecdote about finding a way to bring joy through blowing bubbles to people who were struggling with grief after losing a loved one.
    • Story 3: (3:50 - 5:50)some text
      • Example 1: The speaker describes an instance when his friend challenged him about his focus on joy, questioning what it means.
      • Example 2: He uses this example to emphasize that finding joy is a personal journey and that it is important to make it a priority.
      • Example 3: He uses his friend’s skepticism to highlight the need for intentionality in pursuing joy.

Structure & Organization: Engaging Hook (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the effectiveness of the speaker's opening hook. Did it grab the audience's attention and create interest in the topic?"some text
    • The speaker's opening hook, "So you're in for a super treat," is not particularly engaging or relevant to the topic. He could have started with a more compelling statement or question to better capture the audience's attention. (Score: 2)

Delivery Mechanics: Pace (1-5)

  • Command: "Evaluate the overall pacing of the presentation. Is it consistent and appropriate for the content? Does it engage the audience without being rushed or dragging?"some text
    • The speaker's pace is inconsistent. He frequently speaks too quickly, particularly when delivering information and during transitions. This can make it challenging for the audience to fully process the information and can detract from the impact of his message. (Score: 2)

Delivery Mechanics: Hand Gestures (1-5)

  • Command: "Evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker's hand gestures. Are they natural and appropriate for the content? Do they help to emphasize points and engage the audience?"some text
    • The speaker uses expressive hand gestures to emphasize points and illustrate stories, adding visual interest and creating a more engaging experience for the audience. (Score: 4)

Language Use: Avoiding Fillers (1-5)

  • Command: "Assess the speaker's use of fillers, such as 'um,' 'you know,' 'like.' Are they excessive? Do they detract from the presentation's professionalism? How could the speaker minimize their use?"some text
    • The speaker uses a moderate number of filler words, such as "um" and "you know." While they don't significantly detract from the presentation, consciously minimizing their use would further enhance the speaker's professionalism. (Score: 3)

Emotional Expression (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker uses emotional expression to enhance his message, particularly when sharing his personal story and emphasizing the importance of joy.
  • Observations: The speaker conveys a sense of sadness and reflection when discussing his mother’s death. (2:40 - 2:50, 3:15 - 3:20) He expresses a strong sense of joy and enthusiasm when he talks about blowing bubbles and making people smile. (3:40 - 3:50, 4:50 - 5:00)
  • Additional Tips: Practice in front of a mirror to observe how your facial expressions and voice tone match the emotions you want to convey.
  • Effectiveness (1-5): The speaker's emotional expression is effective in conveying his message and engaging the audience. (Score: 4)

Feedback and Improvement: (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The speaker appears open to feedback and has put in some effort to prepare for the presentation.
  • Openness to Feedback (1-5): While there is no direct evidence of the speaker seeking feedback in the video, they seem receptive to constructive criticism and open to improvement. (Score: 3)
  • Evidence of Rehearsal and Preparation (1-5): The speaker's confident delivery and clear articulation suggest some degree of rehearsal and preparation. (Score: 4)

Time Management (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: Time management is crucial for a successful presentation. The speaker has a good grasp of his time but could benefit from pacing his presentation more evenly.
  • Adherence to Time (1-5): The speaker manages to deliver the presentation within a reasonable timeframe. (Score: 4)
  • Pacing of Content (1-5): The speaker could improve by distributing the pacing more evenly throughout the presentation, avoiding rushing through transitions and key points. (Score: 3)

Overall Impact (Weight: 10%)

  • Analysis: The presentation is engaging and the speaker's passion for the topic is evident. However, the lack of a strong opening hook and the slightly rushed pacing impact the overall effectiveness of the message.
  • Memorability (1-5): The speaker's storytelling is engaging and likely to be remembered, but the impact of the message could be enhanced by improving the overall pacing. (Score: 3)
  • Spark Conversations (1-5): The speaker effectively encourages discussion by sharing personal anecdotes and posing questions. (Score: 4)
  • Additional Tips: Consider leaving the audience with a call to action or a memorable takeaway message.
  • Effectiveness (1-5): While the speaker clearly communicates his message, the presentation's impact could be strengthened by refining the pacing and opening hook. (Score: 3)

Authenticity and Passion (Weight: 5%)

  • Analysis: The speaker's authenticity and passion are evident throughout the presentation. His genuine interest in the topic and his willingness to share personal stories create a strong connection with the audience.
  • Genuineness and Passion (1-5): The speaker's passion for his message and his desire to share it with others is evident in his enthusiastic delivery and the personal anecdotes he shares. (Score: 4)

Warmth and Competence (Weight: 3%)

  • Analysis: The speaker strikes a good balance between warmth and competence, conveying a genuine interest in the topic while maintaining a professional demeanor.
  • Warmth (1-5): The speaker's approachable tone and engaging storytelling create a warm and inviting atmosphere. (Score: 4)
  • Competence (1-5): The speaker's clear articulation, well-organized structure, and confident delivery demonstrate their competence in the subject matter. (Score: 4)

FRAME Feedback Summary

Area 1: Pace

  • Feedback: You frequently speak too quickly, particularly when delivering information and during transitions. Slowing down your delivery would enhance clarity and comprehension for your audience.
  • Reasons: A consistent pace is essential for clarity and audience comprehension. A rushed pace can make it difficult for the audience to grasp key concepts, particularly during transitions and when important points are being made.
  • Alternatives: To improve your pacing, try practicing your presentation with a timer and consciously slowing down your delivery during transitions and when emphasizing key points. You can also use pauses to emphasize key points and allow the audience time to absorb the information.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and note the average words per minute (WPM). Aim for a pace of 160-180 WPM. You can also ask for feedback from others on your pacing during practice sessions.
  • Encouragement: You have a natural and engaging speaking style. By focusing on your pacing, you will further enhance your presentation and ensure that your message is clear and impactful.

Area 2: Vocal Variety

  • Feedback: You could benefit from a broader range of vocal variety. This would add depth and emotion to your delivery, making your presentation even more engaging.
  • Reasons: Vocal variety helps keep the audience engaged and attentive by adding interest and emotion to your delivery. It also helps to emphasize key points and create a more impactful message.
  • Alternatives: Practice using different tones and inflections to emphasize key points, convey different emotions, and create a more dynamic listening experience. Pay attention to your volume, pitch, and speed to create a more engaging vocal delivery.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and pay attention to the variation in your voice. Aim for a wider range of tones and inflections to keep your audience engaged. You can also ask for feedback from others on your vocal variety.
  • Encouragement: Your voice is clear and pleasant to listen to. By adding more variety, you will further enhance the impact of your message and create a more engaging presentation.

Area 3: Eye Contact

  • Feedback: While you make some eye contact, you tend to look at the floor or the stage more than the audience. Improving your eye contact will strengthen the connection with your listeners.
  • Reasons: Eye contact is essential for creating a connection with your audience. It conveys confidence, sincerity, and engagement.
  • Alternatives: Practice engaging in direct eye contact with individuals in the audience during your presentation. You can even choose specific individuals to focus on for short periods to enhance your connection with them.
  • Measurements: Record yourself practicing and note the amount of time you spend looking at the audience versus looking at the floor or the stage. Aim for a higher ratio of eye contact to other focus points. You can also ask for feedback from others on the effectiveness of your eye contact.
  • Encouragement: You have a strong presence on stage. By making more eye contact with your audience, you will create a deeper connection and leave a more lasting impression.

Area 4: Engaging Hook

  • Feedback: Your opening hook is not particularly engaging. It could be stronger and more impactful.
  • Reasons: The opening hook is your opportunity to capture the audience's attention and create interest in your topic. A strong opening hook will leave a lasting impression and set the tone for your presentation.
  • Alternatives: Experiment with different types of opening hooks, such as a relevant anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising statistic. Consider starting with a powerful statement or a captivating visual aid to create a more engaging beginning.
  • Measurements: Ask trusted friends or colleagues to watch your presentation and provide feedback on the effectiveness of your opening hook. Ask them if it caught their attention and if it made them want to learn more.
  • Encouragement: You have a knack for sharing compelling stories. By refining your opening hook, you will further enhance the overall impact of your presentations and make a lasting impression on your audience.

Area 5: Overall Impact

  • Feedback: Your presentation is engaging and your passion for the topic is evident. However, the lack of a strong opening hook and the slightly rushed pacing impact the overall effectiveness of the message.
  • Reasons: A positive overall impact is crucial for a successful presentation. While your enthusiasm and clear communication are strong, refining the pacing and opening hook will enhance the overall impact of your message.
  • Alternatives: Continue to work on refining your delivery, particularly your pacing and vocal variety, to further enhance the impact of your presentations. Experiment with different opening hooks to find one that creates the strongest connection with your audience.
  • Measurements: Seek feedback from others on the overall impression of your presentations. Ask questions about their engagement, understanding of your message, and any specific points that they found memorable or impactful.
  • Encouragement: You are an engaging and inspiring speaker. By continuing to hone your skills, you will become a truly remarkable communicator.

Total Weighted Score: 3.44


  • Storytelling: 4
  • Structure & Organization: 2
  • Delivery Mechanics: 2.5
  • Language Use: 3
  • Emotional Expression: 4
  • Feedback and Improvement: 3.5
  • Time Management: 3.5
  • Overall Impact: 3
  • Authenticity and Passion: 4
  • Warmth and Competence: 4
  • Total Weighted Score: 3.44

Score Key:

  • 1: Needs significant improvement.
  • 2: Needs improvement.
  • 3: Okay but could be better.
  • 4: Good, but room for improvement.
  • 5: Excellent.

Additional Tips:

  • Practice regularly: The more you practice, the more confident and natural you will become as a speaker.
  • Record yourself: Recording your presentations allows you to identify areas for improvement, such as your pacing, vocal variety, and hand gestures.
  • Seek feedback: Ask trusted friends or colleagues to watch your presentations and provide constructive feedback.
  • Focus on your strengths: Continue to build on your strengths, such as your engaging storytelling and genuine passion for the topic.
  • Stay authentic: Your authenticity is what makes you unique and engaging. Stay true to yourself and your message, and let your personality shine through.

Remember, becoming a confident and effective speaker is a journey. Keep practicing, seeking feedback, and celebrating your progress. You have the potential to be an outstanding communicator.

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How Speaker+AI Works

Step-by-step process

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Our AI analyzes your performance.
Receive a detailed evaluation within 48 hours via email.

Why Choose us?

Improve your communication: Identify and address areas for improvement in your delivery and language use. Imagine receiving specific insights on your pacing, intonation, and even the frequency of filler words!

Build confidence: Gain insights into your strengths and areas for growth to boost your confidence as a speaker. Knowing your strong points empowers you to leverage them and address areas that need attention.

Get targeted feedback: Receive a detailed analysis of your performance across key speaking criteria, tailored to your specific needs. SpeakerPlusAI™ goes beyond general observations, offering a deep dive into storytelling, structure, delivery, language, non-verbal cues, and more, customized to your presentation.

Use cases: Preparing for Ted talks, presentations at conferences, and investor pitches, improve your YouTube presentation and storytelling.

After reviewing the AI report provided to me by Dr. Harvey Castro for my 2nd TEDx talk, I was so intrigued and excited that I asked Dr. Castro to do another AI review for my original TEDx talk on Delayed Gratification. The results were outstanding and impressive, and taught me some lessons on how to improve my delivery.  Had I analyzed this talk prior to delivering it at TEDxCherryCreekHS, maybe I could have garnered 10 million views rather than the 6 million views I have.....ha, ha! In all seriousness, this AI tool is amazing and impressive. Kudos to you, Dr. Castro!

Emilio M. Justo, M.D.

2x International TEDx Speaker

First repeat customer!

Absolutely incredible! This AI report that Dr. Harvey Castro generated based upon my TEDx talk was so in-depth and profound, that it blew me away! The AI was able to quickly analyze many parts of my talk, such as storytelling, structure, language use, hand gestures, engagement with the audience, and tone of my words (just to name a few).........AND, it even highlighted examples of each by time-stamping the video! By applying a numerical score to each category and then creating a sum-total average of the entire talk, I could readily see where I excelled, and where I need additional work. In addition, I can compare the overall results of my talk to other talks out there, including those of famous celebrities and dignitaries. What an incredible and useful tool! I greatly look forward to Dr. Castro continuing this evolution and journey using AI............unbelievable!

Emilio M. Justo, M.D.

2x International TEDx Speaker

Thank you for running my speech through your AI system. I think it gives a great assessment of my speech and gives me room for improvement. It is very accurate and gives you positive feedback even if it’s not something you want to hear. I am very impressed with this application and I will definitely use it again. This is just another example how AI can be beneficial.  This type of application will improve my speaking skills immensely.

Ray Callas, M.D., FASA

President, Texas Medical Association

Speaker Plus AI tool is a must-have for speakers, bureaus, and corporations seeking top-notch orators. For the speaker, Speaker Plus AI is the perfect coach, helping to discover strengths and weaknesses in the quest to improve delivery. For the bureau, it serves as a grading tool, more efficient than watching speeches all day. For the corporation or event planner in search of the perfect speaker, it provides a laser focus on finding the individual who can deliver at the highest level possible.

Michael Gorton

Founder of Teladoc

SpeakerPlusAI gave me a thorough breakdown of my TEDx talk, providing detailed feedback and actionable suggestions that enabled me to refine my presentation skills. The insights on hand gestures, time management, and storytelling were invaluable, helping me to present with greater impact and confidence. Every speaker should use this tool before delivering a high-stakes presentation like a TEDx talk, conference speech, or investor pitch to ensure their talk resonates deeply with the audience and creates the desired impact.

Tara LaFon Gooch

TEDx Speaker

SpeakerPlusAI™ has been an incredible asset for evaluating my presentation skills. The detailed feedback, especially on my positive behavioral cues and areas needing improvement, is very valuable. With insights on pacing, vocal variety, and emotional expression, I now have a clear roadmap to enhance my delivery. I plan to use SpeakerPlusAI™ regularly to refine my speaking skills, ensuring my presentations become even more engaging and impactful. This tool is a game-changer for anyone looking to elevate their public speaking abilities. Highly recommended!

Doug Hohulin

Technology Advisor & Tech Scout

Dr. Harvey Castro's new AI tool is a game changer for speakers! After analyzing just two minutes of my speaking, it provided a detailed two-page document highlighting all my strengths and areas for improvement. I'm absolutely blown away by this technology. For any speaker wondering what they need to improve on, what they're doing amazingly, and what can take them to the next level, this tool is invaluable. I highly recommend it. Thank you, Dr. Harvey Castro!

Violet Rainwater

Executive Coach

This AI tool is mind-blowing! It provided the same valuable feedback that a seasoned speaking coach with 20 years of experience gave me. What’s most impressive is that it did this in minutes, just by analyzing a video of me, whereas my coach needed to watch my entire presentation live. The best part about the tool is its actionable steps for improving my speaking. It not only identifies where you are but also guides you on how to reach your goals. WOW, JUST WOW!

Loka Pandya

Leader & speaker

Being a professional public speaker, I am constantly looking for ways to improve my delivery and impact, but I am also so deep into my content that it is hard for me to identify my own flaws.  Speaker Plus AI is like having a world-class speaking coach that gives you constructive feedback without emotion.  I am never doing another talk again without practicing with Speaker Plus AI first.

Alan Smithson

TEDx Speaker and Futurist

Using the AI tool to analyze my speaker reel was a game-changer! It provided a comprehensive score on my performance, highlighting my strengths and offering actionable insights for improvement. The detailed feedback helps me refine my delivery, making my presentations more impactful. I highly recommend this tool to any speaker looking to elevate their skills and captivate their audience.

Julian Placino

Recruiting Consultant

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about SpeakerPlusAI service and process.

What file formats are accepted?

YouTube links, Mov & Mp4.


GPT Podcast LLC | SpeakerPlusAI™ Evaluation | Disclaimer: This evaluation was generated using a large language model trained on a massive dataset of text and code. While this technology is constantly evolving and improving, it is important to note that the analysis may not be perfect. The timestamps provided are approximate and should not be considered absolute. The model is still under development, and its analysis may contain errors or omissions.

Remember, the best AI is the one that works in partnership with a human. The power lies in combining human judgment and insight with AI analysis for the most effective results.

Reviewing the evaluation carefully and using your judgment when interpreting the results is recommended. This report should be used as a starting point for improvement, but it should not be considered a definitive assessment of the speaker's skills.

[http://thegptpodcast.com/] / [http://www.speakerplusai.com/]

What type of payment options do you accept?

Stripe accepts Apple Pay, PayPal for a full list please refer to: https://stripe.com/payments/payment-methods.

What kind of feedback can I expect?

You will receive a detailed report covering various aspects of your presentation, such as storytelling, structure, language use, hand gestures, engagement with the audience, and tone of your words. The feedback includes numerical scores and specific time-stamped examples. Remember, the Large Language model will do its best to give time stamps, but it might not be accurate. See the Disclaimer section.

How is SpeakerPlusAI different from a human coach?

SpeakerPlusAI provides immediate, unbiased feedback based on data-driven analysis, allowing for consistent evaluations. While a human coach offers personalized, nuanced advice, our AI tool provides a comprehensive breakdown that can complement human coaching.

Can I get feedback on specific aspects of my presentation?

We will add this feature in the future, but we have included all the common aspects and more in the current report. Let us know if you see anything you would like to add, and we will consider it for our next update.

Are there any discounts for bulk evaluations?

Yes, we offer discounts for bulk evaluations. Please get in touch with our sales team for more information on bulk pricing options.

How do I prepare my video for the best evaluation results?

Ensure your video is well-lit and has clear audio. The first 10 minutes should include key parts of your presentation that you want to be evaluated. Avoid background noise and ensure your face and gestures are visible for best results.

How secure is my payment information?

We use the Stripe payment system and as a result, we use: Stripe to encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest. Stripe’s infrastructure for storing, decrypting, and transmitting primary account numbers (PANs), such as credit card numbers, runs in a separate hosting infrastructure and doesn’t share any credentials with the rest of our services.

Can I request a re-evaluation?

Yes, we recommend to periodically re-evaluate yourself. Depending on how often you are reviewing materials and wanting to get feedback. Use these reports to use our AI bot to give you recommendations on improving your skills.

How long does it take to get my evaluation?

Within 48 hours, you will have a report. Make sure to check your spam folder. We are getting reports of some users getting feedback within 10 minutes.

What if my video is longer than 10 minutes?

We will only evaluate the first 10 minutes of the video. If there is a specific aspect of your video that you want us to evaluate then make sure that the upload file has that content. Our system currently only evaluates the first 10 minutes of the video.

How can I compare my score to historic speeches being scored by speaker plus ai?

1. Tony Robins the #1 question guiding your life Score: 4.88
Video Link: https://youtu.be/qpCE8yRikfA?si=BQ__FFVFnV5L9e5G

2. I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King .Jr HD (subtitled) Score: 4.82
Video Link: https://youtu.be/vP4iY1TtS3s?si=jC-1a3p_3BJjh8Lc

3. Abraham Lincoln - “Gettysburg Address (image or transcript reading) Score: 4.82
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4Bojjx_Dew

4. Stanley Tucci’s New Taste for Life After Surviving Cancer: “I’m Lucky to Be Alive” | PEOPLE Score: 4.78
Video Link: https://youtu.be/u_YWYF2OKhw?si=_i8z31saNY9hT7lu

5. Nelson Mandela - Release from Prison Speech Nelson Mandela Gives Speech After Release From Prison on Feb. 11, 1990 | NowThis Score: 4.77
Video Link: https://youtu.be/6lQAc6Y_A48?si=x1fHc2Mo5ieeuMZH

6. John F. Kennedy - Inaugural Address Score: 4.76
Video Link: https://youtu.be/PEC1C4p0k3E?si=m3C0d2ODpG6lPu02

7. Ronald Reagan - “Tear Down This Wall” Score: 4.71
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei1HnWwzmNk&pp=ygUlUm9uYWxkIFJlYWdhbiAtICJUZWFyIERvd24gVGhpcyBXYWxsIg%3D%3D

8. Obama’s 2004 DNC keynote speech Score: 4.70
Video Link: https://youtu.be/ueMNqdB1QIE?si=RmfxRrlk3Kp6UJ0J

9. Winston Churchill - “We Shall Fight on the Beaches (image or transcript reading) Score: 4.69
Video Link: https://youtu.be/MkTw3_PmKtc?si=TUy-zxONcsndFUDw

10. Barack Obama - “Yes We Can” Speech Score: 4.68
Video Link: https://youtu.be/Fe751kMBwms?si=av0qTAd8GB2JyDET

11. Franklin D. Roosevelt - First Inaugural Address Score: 4.65
Video Link: https://youtu.be/6lQAc6Y_A48?si=gTODs1jrT-vVgBtA

12. Lou Gehrig - Farewell to Baseball Score: 4.55
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNLKPaThYkE

13. Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind By Doing This Dean Grasiozi Score: 4.54
Video Link: https://youtu.be/vhPWIuA0BO0?si=wu3i4xiF7tOrXMpj

14. Lloyd C. Blankfein Score: 4.54
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nRjfTvPLbc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwwsg.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY

15. Fireside Chat with Hank Paulson Score: 4.51
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1023&v=0gbGUEnsOCk&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwwsg.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY

16. Mahatma Gandhi - “Quit India” Speech (image or transcript reading) Score: 4.51
Video Link: https://youtu.be/MOV6s_4LJCU?si=N7Se7Ov8QR5JZmi-

17. WATCH THIS EVERY DAY - Motivational Speech By James Clear Score: 4.42
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=jcTs7n3YYrc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwwsg.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY

18. Jay Shetty Jay Shetty on Letting Go and Starting a New Chapter in Life Score: 4.18
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=wX6DMNtyyt8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwwsg.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY

19. Vice President Mike Pence Speaks at First Baptist Church in Dallas, TX | Worldwide Speakers Group Score: 4.13
Video Link: https://youtu.be/dhZ-gY0vPcw?si=lUD9sdnhxuhJCJgX

20. John Oliver @ UB Distinguished Speaker Series Score: 4.03
Video Link: https://youtu.be/Rqq7bozO_j0?si=O2nIdP0aHTs_0p-p

21. WATCH THIS EVERY DAY - Motivational Speech By James Clear Score: 3.94
Video Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=jcTs7n3YYrc&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A

Still Need Answers?

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About us

SpeakerPlusAI is a pioneering organization dedicated to leveraging artificial intelligence to revolutionize public speaking and presentation delivery. Our mission is to empower speakers with cutting-edge AI tools that enhance their communication skills, audience engagement, and overall presentation effectiveness. By integrating advanced AI technology, we aim to transform the traditional public speaking landscape, making it more dynamic, interactive, and impactful.

Our Mission

Empowerment: Providing speakers with AI-driven tools that enhance their delivery and engagement.

Innovation: Continuously pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve in the realm of public speaking.

Excellence: Striving for the highest standards in all our products and services.

Inclusivity: Making AI-powered speaking tools accessible to all, from novices to professionals.

Meet The Team

Harvey Castro MD

Harvey Castro MD, keynote speaker: is a renowned physician and entrepreneur with extensive experience in delivering keynote speeches around the globe. He has captivated audiences with his deep insights into artificial intelligence and its applications across various industries. Dr. Castro has participated in over 150 live TV interviews, where he has shared his expertise and perspectives on cutting-edge technologies. His dynamic and engaging presentation style, combined with his profound knowledge, makes him a sought-after speaker in the international circuit. Dr. Castro’s ability to connect with diverse audiences and articulate complex concepts with clarity has solidified his reputation as a leading voice in AI and innovation.

Brooks Wood

Brooks Wood brings a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to our team as the Founder and Lead Designer. With a passion for user-centered design, Brooks ensures that SpeakerPlusAI products not only function flawlessly but also provide an intuitive and engaging experience for our users. His background in AI has been instrumental in shaping SpeakerPlusAI’s user interface and visual identity.

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